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Band: Deerhunter

Posted: Sat Apr 21, 2007 10:27 pm
by NerblyBear_Archive
Also, McGarvey, you can go chomp on a phallus. Peanuthead.

Band: Deerhunter

Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2007 1:34 am
by cervixFORaHEart_Archive
ok, these guys were amazing tonight...much better than the ponys...i mean they were really, really great.

the singer seriously looks like he is about to die, though.

i was afraid to shake his hand after the show...i thought body parts might start falling off....ive never seen someone look so close to death.

he needs help...quickly.

Band: Deerhunter

Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2007 1:56 am
by cervixFORaHEart_Archive
i just read this on their myspace page....awesome.

"Tonight I saw your group in Nashville. Please, STOP MAKING (what might be concieved as) MUSIC! You have no melodies, there was no songwriting skills involved, lack of chord structures, AND your songs are pathetically too long. It's an embarassment you opened for the yeahyeahyeahs. I turned my back to your group after 2 songs...and I remainded that way until your wannabe art student asses left. I would tell everyone I know not to see you...but it looks as if your front man is about to die. Seriously, get that half-ass man some help. You try to pull off this "shock and awe" pretentious bull-shit and its horrible! Iggy Pop, Velvet Underground, and Black Flag, all used some "shock and awe" BUT they had the MUSIC to back it up! You guys need to either quit for a year or learn how to play your damn intruments! I felt raped of my money tonight. I was ashamed to even play music because you guys are on this earth. I've seen over 100 shows in my life and I've seen bad, believe me, but you guys take the cake.Everyone around me was also disgusted. Stop, please just stop. If I see your flier in my town, I will take it down, if you are booked anywhere within a state of me I will publically speak and tell people not to go. You are a pile of shit in this "thing" we call the music business. Go get a job. Fuckin' wannabe's man....fuckin wannabe's. In the words of a brilliant band called Travis..."Peace the fuck out!" -Pissed and ashamed"

Band: Deerhunter

Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2007 11:29 am
by Steve V_Archive
NerblyBear wrote:Any band whose name's first five letters are "DEERH" is awesome.

Unless that band happens to be Deerhunter.

You figure it out.

You're dumb.

Band: Deerhunter

Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2007 11:59 am
by NerblyBear_Archive
Steve V. wrote:
You're dumb.

How' bout you go stick your prick in a toaster? Cock.

Band: Deerhunter

Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2007 12:10 pm
by eva03_Archive
cervixFORaHEart wrote:ok, these guys were amazing tonight...much better than the ponys...i mean they were really, really great.

the singer seriously looks like he is about to die, though.

i was afraid to shake his hand after the show...i thought body parts might start falling off....ive never seen someone look so close to death.

he needs help...quickly.

Yeah, he suffers from Marfan syndrome, a condition affecting the body’s connective tissue, which also afflicted Abraham Lincoln and Joey Ramone there's not much he can do about it.

Band: Deerhunter

Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2007 12:23 pm
by cervixFORaHEart_Archive
eva03 wrote:
cervixFORaHEart wrote:ok, these guys were amazing tonight...much better than the ponys...i mean they were really, really great.

the singer seriously looks like he is about to die, though.

i was afraid to shake his hand after the show...i thought body parts might start falling off....ive never seen someone look so close to death.

he needs help...quickly.

Yeah, he suffers from Marfan syndrome, a condition affecting the body’s connective tissue, which also afflicted Abraham Lincoln and Joey Ramone there's not much he can do about it.

i was kind of wondering about this...lots of lyrics about faulty bodies and stuff...thats one point during the show last night he stood on his monitor, stuck his chest out and asked the crowd "can you see my heart?...of course you can...thats because im dying." and then he gave this creepy little laugh and continued with the set...

Band: Deerhunter

Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2007 12:23 pm
by tipcat_Archive
Excellent live, and the singer has this Iggy-Thurston thing goin on. It works. Not crap.

If Spacemen 3 were actually good, they would sound like this.

Band: Deerhunter

Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2007 12:04 am
by eva03_Archive
cervixFORaHEart wrote:
eva03 wrote:
cervixFORaHEart wrote:ok, these guys were amazing tonight...much better than the ponys...i mean they were really, really great.

the singer seriously looks like he is about to die, though.

i was afraid to shake his hand after the show...i thought body parts might start falling off....ive never seen someone look so close to death.

he needs help...quickly.

Yeah, he suffers from Marfan syndrome, a condition affecting the body’s connective tissue, which also afflicted Abraham Lincoln and Joey Ramone there's not much he can do about it.

i was kind of wondering about this...lots of lyrics about faulty bodies and stuff...thats one point during the show last night he stood on his monitor, stuck his chest out and asked the crowd "can you see my heart?...of course you can...thats because im dying." and then he gave this creepy little laugh and continued with the set...

He's a pretty solid dude, I used to live with the drummer moses and that's how I met all those kids, bradford(not his real name) definitely stood out as being simultaneously the most obnoxious drama queen and one of the nicest people especially from that group of kids.

Band: Deerhunter

Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2007 1:06 am
by shagboy_Archive
they were great live and i really like the record, too. go see them if they come to your city