Podcasts of the Left

Yeah I'd second Sam Seder and Jimmy Dore, both of which I've been watching regularly of late. I like Jimmy Dore cause his very earnest outrage is primarily directed against the failure and hypocrisy of the liberal class, where it most needs to be directed if there is to be some reform I think. The right is so far gone crazy that's almost redundant to focus too much on it at this point on a genuinely leftist platform. I sympathize a lot with the sense of despair and anger that permeates his show over what passes for mainstream discourse in this soiled world. Also, Kyle Kulinski is an organized and well-informed speaker, really good at cutting through things to find the shared common sense interest of the public(which is important now I think), though I didn't like him at first.I would like to add On Contact with Chris Hedges. Chris is pretty much always on point and his passion and empathy are very real. He's spent a good chunk of his life as a foreign correspondent in life and death situations in other countries, which has given him a perspective informed by the people on the ground rather than heresy and conjecture, and also has spent extensive amounts of time domestically in every corner of America. His perspective tends to be extremely prescient. As a literature nerd, I appreciate his frequent references to writers and books I love or else might be of interest to me. I also found Sheldon Wolin from Hedges and a few other important writers of the left.

Podcasts of the Left

Funny you should mention Hedges and Dore, the former visited the latter's show recently. I completely forgot about that incident in Rockford, IL. For anyone who has been there, you shouldn't be surprised by the reaction he got from his speech.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=965DwRyfcmohttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HcH3\_ssyX0oI've been watching YouTube videos of Chris on his book tour... almost every time some Boomer asks him if he's compromised, because his show is on RT, which is the enemy's mouthpiece!
Pronounced: POO-holes

Podcasts of the Left

Nice to see all the Citations Needed endorsements. Great podcast. I'll check out some of the other recommendations here. Quite a few I'm not familiar with. Other left podcasts I listen to regularly depending on the guest/subject: The Dig (also hosted/distributed by Jacobin Radio)https://www.blubrry.com/thedig/The Verso podcast: https://soundcloud.com/versobooksBehind the News w Doug Henwoodhttp://www.leftbusinessobserver.com/Radio.htmlAgainst the Grain https://kpfa.org/program/against-the-grain/Media Indigena (good Indigenous political podcast but very Canada focused): https://www.mediaindigena.com/podcast/Those and Citations Needed are my go-tos, and I also listen to Chapo regularly but mostly for Matt Christman. Not a fan of Amber TBH but to each their own.

Podcasts of the Left

Wow thanks for this Adam! Always warms my heart to see two people I love talking.I don't think the content of what Chris says could be compromised very easily given his history in critiquing compromised media as an insider, and most notably his stringent moral philosophy, the latter of which is basically my own. I guess it works out cause Russian TV doesn't mind having someone criticize America? Not saying he's perfect though or anything, some of the plagiarism stuff is a bit sketchy. Either way he's one of the best writers and speakers of the left that I've seen.

Podcasts of the Left

warmowski wrote:I wish I had more recommendations. This entire format usually makes me squirm. So many of these spend a lot of time laughing at their own jokes, and for some reason I can't stand it. Too often it's like Car Talk all over again and I just can't hang. It's not you, podcasts, it's me.Seconding The War Nerd and Doug Henwood. I'll take a look at the ones recommended here.-rI think you'd really like Citations Needed.

Podcasts of the Left

Christopher wrote:Left Coast-climate change two-parter w/guest Dave Anthony from The Dollop is excellent, if depressingI was really into Walking the Room for a spell there, especially when their careers were like rock bottom and they were unhinged. I recently noticed how political Dave Anthony's Twitter feed is. Hadn't heard of his new podcast.

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