A great injustice. Should have been able to see Shellac.
Posted: Sat Aug 27, 2005 2:03 pm
I'd donate to the "get the kane family to the muthaf%$^%$^in Shellac Shows in Seattle" fund!
Were you able to sell your tickets?
You gotta try to get yourselves up to Seattle tonight or tomorrow - it'll absolutely be worth it.
mackro wrote:I'd donate to the "get the kane family to the muthaf%$^%$^in Shellac Shows in Seattle" fund!
Don wrote:I'm well over 21, and I don't get to see Shellac. That's because Shellac has the good sense to avoid Texas. Steve still hates Texas, and not much since he made that declaration recommends it. If anything, it's only getting hotter here.
I'm sorry you couldn't get in.
pdxs1 wrote:Don wrote:
Hey Don, good news for you: During the Q&A on Friday night somebody asked why they won't play Texas, and Bob said they'll be touring there in January.
mattw wrote:
Well, they might as well make it to Arizona too. Wtf.