clocker bob wrote:Chomsky doesn't deny the manipulation of Central American and South American governments by US intelligence operatives. Why he doesn't label these operations as conspiracies, I don't know.
Gramsci wrote:That would probably be because this all happened on TV in the bright light of day... i.e. it wasn't a "theory".
What?? Yeah, Gramsci, the CIA's interventions into Guatemala and Costa Rica and El Salvador and Nicaragua and Ecuador and Brazil and Chile and Uruguay and Panama all were covered in real time by the US media! Right! And when I got to high school, I was issued Chomsky books as textbooks! Since these meddlings in the affairs of foreign governments certainly did happen
behind the scenes and
behind a wall of disinformation and propaganda, they can most certainly be described as
Hey, Gramsci- nobody on the Left ever needed to buy books like these to find out what the CIA was up to in Latin America, because it all happened under the bright lights of television! < snicker...>
You crack me the fuck up. You read my very accurate description of US
conspiracies to interfere with unfriendly governments, and you start ranting about
conspiracy theories?? Number one, can't you tell the difference between conspiracies and conspiracy theories, and number two, can't you understand that when Chomsky elaborates on the available evidence with his speculative analysis, he is writing
conspiracy theories? What do you think Manufacturing Consent is, but a conspiracy theory of opinion management techniques??
The socially-acceptable Left loves Chomsky, so they defend him from the critics who say that Manufacturing Consent is a conspiracy theory, when, if they had balls that ever dropped, they would understand that Manufacturing Consent
is a Conspiracy Theory, and it's a very good Conspiracy Theory, and we need many more good Conspiracy Theories.
Instead, the socially-acceptable Left is determined to deny that MC is a conspiracy theory, and Chomsky happily accepts their goofy defense of him, because if Chomsky ever accepted his role as a conspiracy theorist, he might need to stop lying about JFK or 9/11 or international finance.
Seriously dude, thanks for hunting down my every word looking for your 'big moment' to attack me- it's hilarious. Bitter dork...