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Micro-reviews of gear you just bought.

Posted: Sun Sep 23, 2018 7:00 pm
by Tommy_Archive
Dr Tony Balls wrote:llllllllllllllllllllllll wrote:If it s really two Supa Trems in oneIts not. Its just a dual-gang pot and when you hit the switch it parallels one gang with the other, dropping the resistance to half. Its an easy trick that could be done on literally anything that uses a pot as a variable resistor.It does however remind me of an even cooler trick that i've used before that incorporates some slow down into the speed change to mimic the slow down/speed up of the rotating baffle of a leslie.It has two LDRs (optocouplers?).

Micro-reviews of gear you just bought.

Posted: Sun Sep 23, 2018 7:00 pm
by Tommy_Archive
llllllllllllllllllllllll wrote:Oh, it looks like the Supa-Trem 2 does have a slow down button, you just hold down the tap tempo switch. Cool.Anyway, my original thought was tap it while it's in slow mode, then double it (for your division problem). It may or may not work depending on how that multifunction switch setup works.

Micro-reviews of gear you just bought.

Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2018 7:00 pm
by Big John_Archive
You might have to upgrade your amp to a plasma too!

Micro-reviews of gear you just bought.

Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2018 7:00 pm
by Boombats_Archive
Plasma Pedal by Gamechanger Audio. Sounds and of course looks awesome. Not the most versatile distortion pedal, but "versatile" usually means too many knobs anyway. This thing has a thing that it does, with a wide range of bass and treble control and a hell of a lot of gain available, and it stacks superbly with other gain pedals. The clean EQ bypass is a great feature which lets you select whether the clean signal that comes through via the Blend knob is affected by the EQ or not. Thus you can tweak the Plasma tone without changing the sound of the clean Blended signal. This is what makes it stack well; whatever dirt you run into it can pass through unmolested, so on the output you get a combo of the Plasma and whatever you're hitting it with.

Micro-reviews of gear you just bought.

Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2018 7:00 pm
by endofanera_Archive
TomWanderer wrote:I keep getting an error when I try to upload the attachment...I'm not sure where you're trying to upload to and getting an error, but just a general note in case you weren't aware - images and the like need to be uploaded to a third party site like imgur and then linked back directly from the image (URL should end in .png, .gif, or .jpg) using the "img" tags.

Micro-reviews of gear you just bought.

Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2018 7:00 pm
by TomWanderer_Archive
I keep getting an error when I try to upload the no pic yet, but yesterday I picked up a silverface Fender Pro Reverb. It's a push/pull MV. The outside looks kinda rough; lots of dings and tears in the tolex, a few rips in the grill cloth, some of the metal appointments are a bit rusty. It was just fully serviced, though, with new tubes, recapped, new cord, a couple resistors replaced, etc. It sounds fantastic and dead silent when idling. I did not need this amp but I am in love with it. For $500 I was expecting this thing to need some serious work, but now it feels like a steal.

Micro-reviews of gear you just bought.

Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2018 7:00 pm
by TomWanderer_Archive
Thanks! Yeah, I'm trying to use the 'upload attachment' tab just below the text box and upload something from my computer that's not already online. It's worked before, I know the file isn't too big, but when I try to upload any attachment I'm getting this;Could not upload attachment to ./files/14651\_9da9d39977f868660ad8f4551ae2710a.I don't know what's up. Anyway, I've figured out that the Pro Reverb is a 1978. I can't wait to spend some time with it.

Micro-reviews of gear you just bought.

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2018 7:00 pm
by nc_Archive
aphex 107 'tubessence' mic preamp. i got this used for $80 at my local brick and mortar music store because i could not pass up 2 channels of outboard pre for eightygoddamndollars. i have no idea if there is a tube anywhere inside, and i'm not going to make any grandiose claims on this mic pre. the inputs are on the front xlr, outputs are on the back 1/4" trs, which is kind of annoying, but theres polarity, pad, low cut, and phantom power with signal and overload indicators. i've used it on snare, bass, and guitar. they are usually on reverb for around a hundred bucks. worth it imhmfo.

Micro-reviews of gear you just bought.

Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2018 7:00 pm
by J Burns_Archive
Beyerdynamic TG-X-50: Put it in front of a bass cab, center of the cone, 6" back from the grill. I listened back, and it sounds like a bass amp. Cool!

Micro-reviews of gear you just bought.

Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2018 7:00 pm
by jbar_Archive
TC Electronics Ditto x2.You are a looper. You will help me practice. I will not take you to a coffee shop for some slappy acoustic nonsense. I will not adjust you with my bare feet. I will will not light into extended periods of indulgent prog rock fantasy. All I did with it yesterday was "REEE AW CRUNK" for like an hour. Completely masturbatory. Can't seem to let go of the button for a seamless progression, but that's my fault.