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Podcasts of the Left

Posted: Mon Mar 04, 2019 6:00 pm
by llllllllllllllllllllllll_Archive
Of course not, I meant that they are experts in talking shit.

Podcasts of the Left

Posted: Tue Mar 05, 2019 6:00 pm
by Clyde_Archive
I tried a couple of times with Red Scare. The first time was South Park-level edgelord dumb, the second time was slightly less edgy, but pretty dull: just two self-satisfied tryhards having a boring conversation about how bored they were.

Podcasts of the Left

Posted: Tue Mar 05, 2019 6:00 pm
by jx_Archive
Gramsci wrote:jx wrote:Andrew. wrote:Recently saw someone refer to the "edgelord rightwing of the left" to describe Red Scare podcast type stuff, after one of the hosts said Tucker Carlson is "way smarter" and more intellectually curious than AOC, whom she called "a dangerous idiot of legendary proportion." I guess it's a sign of the growth and popularity of the political left when even the left has a wing of self-promoting art star edgelords. Fitting that Lena Dunham is a fan even though they mock her for not being skinny.RS is awful. They're 100% locked on the left podcasters who'll go full right wing Angela NagleNagle was always a libertarian entryist. Nothing she has done in her career indicates being on the left. The assumption she on the left seems to be exclusively based on saying she is without actually looking at what she does.Muust have imagined those times she appeared on Chapo and Aufenbunga Bunga and AMber Alee Frost was her hype girl

Podcasts of the Left

Posted: Tue Mar 05, 2019 6:00 pm
by Tree_Archive
I ve never checked out Red Scare, nor do I wish to. The œ shit-talking on these shows is always weak to me. Flores is too much of a mess right now for me to enjoy Pod Damn America and Season Of The Bitch is my go-to. I was very into the MMT and motherhood episodes.

Podcasts of the Left

Posted: Wed Mar 06, 2019 6:00 pm
by Andrew_Archive
llllllllllllllllllllllll wrote:Will Menaker joins Antifada for an interview with Kim Stanley Robinson!This was great! Thanks for the suggestion. Was really interested in lots of it including his interest in birding, Gary Snyder, and being outside. He is such a California hippie and makes no bones about it. I didn't realize the full extent of Fredric Jameson's direct influence on him to this day. I read a lot of FJ and was influenced by him as an aspiring literary/cultural studies scholar (one of my own academic mentors during my BA and MA was a student of FJ at Duke).That said, I've seen people claim KSR as a Marxist but I think he's more honest himself. In this interview he says literature is his religion (Sci-Fi is his hometown) and Marxist theory is just invaluable for understanding the world and that makes literature better. He's also totally out-to-lunch on hypothetical blockchain carbon markets as a path out of climate disaster. Like I say, a California hippie.

Podcasts of the Left

Posted: Wed Mar 06, 2019 6:00 pm
by mrcancelled_Archive
Yay! My good friend Garrett was on Delete Your Account recently to talk about him and his co-workers' recent unionizing at Anchor Brewing in San Francisco. Good stuff.Oh yeah, Brace Belden was also on Chapo recently talking about the same thing, also a good and hilarious episode.

Podcasts of the Left

Posted: Thu Mar 07, 2019 6:00 pm
by Adam Sr_Archive
Aimee Terese and Benjamin Studebaker's What's Left?

Podcasts of the Left

Posted: Thu Mar 07, 2019 6:00 pm
by Boombats_Archive
Red Scare fuckin' sucks. Cumtown is terrible too but at least there are some jokes.

Podcasts of the Left

Posted: Fri Mar 08, 2019 6:00 pm
by Andrew_Archive
mrcancelled wrote:Any video channel recommendations? Europe and Germany, I haven't listened to this but apparently it's a Germany-based leftwing podcast that covers German and European politics. ... MwxiAv5He/

Podcasts of the Left

Posted: Fri Mar 08, 2019 6:00 pm
by Antero_Archive
Andrew. wrote:mrcancelled wrote:Any video channel recommendations? Europe and Germany, I haven't listened to this but apparently it's a Germany-based leftwing podcast that covers German and European politics. ... MwxiAv5He/ City Skylines player explaining a lot of shit about urban history.