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Pickup Lines

Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2005 12:01 pm
by Rodabod_Archive
Gramsci wrote: My old band here!

Myspace wrote: Zero For Conduct has 2 friends; Tom and Gramsci


Pickup Lines

Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2005 12:36 pm
by rachael_Archive
Gramsci wrote:
rachael wrote:Why are you here, and what is that on your penis?

Oh......sorry. I didn't realize THAT'S why.........

More girl-pick-up-guy lines please! They're much more interesting than the guy-pick-up-girl ones.

"I like your pants."

Also, all you have to do is tell a guy you used to be a lesbian and they're yours. At least, for one fuck. Guys always seem to wanna fuck a lesbian - it's instinct I guess.

Pickup Lines

Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2005 12:48 pm
by Christopher_Dragon_Archive
rachael wrote:Also, all you have to do is tell a guy you used to be a lesbian and they're yours. At least, for one fuck. Guys always seem to wanna fuck a lesbian - it's instinct I guess.

It's not instinct.
It's logical if you believe that when you have sex with someone, you're sleeping with everyone else they've ever had sex with.
Straight girl = you're having sex with a bunch of dudes.
Lesbian = you're having sex with a bunch of women
Who wouldn't want to have sex with a bunch of women?

Pickup Lines

Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2005 12:50 pm
by rachael_Archive
Christopher_Dragon wrote:
rachael wrote:Also, all you have to do is tell a guy you used to be a lesbian and they're yours. At least, for one fuck. Guys always seem to wanna fuck a lesbian - it's instinct I guess.

It's not instinct.
It's logical if you believe that when you have sex with someone, you're sleeping with everyone else they've ever had sex with.
Straight girl = you're having sex with a bunch of dudes.
Lesbian = you're having sex with a bunch of women
Who wouldn't want to have sex with a bunch of women?

Thank you for enlightening me. Experience in this area......?

Pickup Lines

Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2005 12:50 pm
by instant_zen_Archive
rachael wrote:
Gramsci wrote:
rachael wrote:Why are you here, and what is that on your penis?

Oh......sorry. I didn't realize THAT'S why.........

More girl-pick-up-guy lines please! They're much more interesting than the guy-pick-up-girl ones.

"I like your pants."

Also, all you have to do is tell a guy you used to be a lesbian and they're yours. At least, for one fuck. Guys always seem to wanna fuck a lesbian - it's instinct I guess.

okay: i think if a moderately attractive girl says anything to a guy (to me, anyway), she's good for at least one fuck. it's that talking thing that always kills me.

secondly, i personally have no specific attraction to "lesbians." i use this term in quotes because i think many girls use this in the way that you have described, and i personally think that's very unfortunate, and contributes a great deal to the female gay community not being taken seriously. i mean, if a girl wants to fuck another girl, why would a guy want to fuck her? personally, i want no part of a half-assed, apathetic fuck.

Pickup Lines

Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2005 12:55 pm
by rachael_Archive
instant_zen wrote:
rachael wrote:
Gramsci wrote:
rachael wrote:Why are you here, and what is that on your penis?

Oh......sorry. I didn't realize THAT'S why.........

More girl-pick-up-guy lines please! They're much more interesting than the guy-pick-up-girl ones.

"I like your pants."

Also, all you have to do is tell a guy you used to be a lesbian and they're yours. At least, for one fuck. Guys always seem to wanna fuck a lesbian - it's instinct I guess.

okay: i think if a moderately attractive girl says anything to a guy (to me, anyway), she's good for at least one fuck. it's that talking thing that always kills me.

secondly, i personally have no specific attraction to "lesbians." i use this term in quotes because i think many girls use this in the way that you have described, and i personally think that's very unfortunate, and contributes a great deal to the female gay community not being taken seriously. i mean, if a girl wants to fuck another girl, why would a guy want to fuck her? personally, i want no part of a half-assed, apathetic fuck.

Hey! Relax!
This is a goddamn thread about pick-up lines, and I have found from my experience that when a guy finds out that I only dated women for the past 8 years, he instantly HAS to fuck me and won't let up!

Girls USING this when its not true to pick up guys??! What??! Contributing to the female gay community not being taken seriously??! What??! Get your panties from your butt-crack....

Again! Relax!

Pickup Lines

Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2005 12:56 pm
by Tom_Archive
rachael wrote:
"I like your pants."

But I wear great pants.

And if I'm told that someone is a lesbian. It's a letdown. That means that I'm out.


Pickup Lines

Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2005 12:57 pm
by Christopher_Dragon_Archive
rachael wrote:
Christopher_Dragon wrote:
rachael wrote:Also, all you have to do is tell a guy you used to be a lesbian and they're yours. At least, for one fuck. Guys always seem to wanna fuck a lesbian - it's instinct I guess.

It's not instinct.
It's logical if you believe that when you have sex with someone, you're sleeping with everyone else they've ever had sex with.
Straight girl = you're having sex with a bunch of dudes.
Lesbian = you're having sex with a bunch of women
Who wouldn't want to have sex with a bunch of women?

Thank you for enlightening me. Experience in this area......?

I have this theory that 1 out of 8 or 22.5% of girls that graduate from college have at one time or another done the "tango de la taco" when they were drunk.
I'm pretty sure that over half the girls I've slept with have graduated from college.
So I guess the odds me having figuratively slept with more women than I actually have are pretty good.

Pickup Lines

Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2005 12:58 pm
by Gramsci_Archive
Rodabod wrote:
Gramsci wrote: My old band here!

Myspace wrote: Zero For Conduct has 2 friends; Tom and Gramsci


Well, considering I've done zero bothering thousands of people to "be my friend" I think that's above average.

Pickup Lines

Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2005 1:02 pm
by geiginni_Archive
Christopher_Dragon wrote:... "tango de la taco"...

I would go see a band named "Tango de la taco". Great name!