Ok, new WORST Survey. Worst city?
Posted: Wed Dec 13, 2006 7:57 pm
Palo Alto, CA. The worst dichotomy of rich and poor. Go down El Camino and it's boarded up and vacant store fronts. Much of the city has small, tiny houses worth a million bucks... Then there's the part where there are $20 million mansions.
The worst part of it is the phony "I vote Democrat" liberal old money rich people who cock-block any zoning that could bring about affordable housing. Why? Because they don't want their $20 million mansion tol only be worth $19 million. Then, of course, the East Palo Alto putsch, where the former U.S. murder capital was transformed into some gentrified monstrocity with Ikea, the Home Despot and even a Four Seasons hotel?!? Gee, where are all the servants going to live now? Oh, they can just move to the East Bay and get up two hours earlier so they can take junior to his $1800/mo preschool.
The most greedy, phony, crappy place on Earth, next to the most obnoxious robber baron grade inflation university that churns out obnoxious idiots that 10 years after graduation are still talking about their boring masters thesis where they created a restaurant ordering system on a palm pilot (ohhh! You can insert data in a database and retreive it too!)
But maybe I should tell you how I really feel about that place sometime...
SF is also kind of this way. Phony liberalism. I'm sure you saw the piece on the Daily Show about how much nicer the SF SPCA is than homeless shelters. That is SF for you. Vegan wuss hippie lemmings spray painting "vegan" tags on Vietnamese restaurants... This just in -- Vietnam is next to the ocean and they eat a lot of seafood because it is abundant. They don't go to the Whole Foods and eat vegan bran muffins... Anyway, those militant vegans are ALL from Detroit...
The worst part of it is the phony "I vote Democrat" liberal old money rich people who cock-block any zoning that could bring about affordable housing. Why? Because they don't want their $20 million mansion tol only be worth $19 million. Then, of course, the East Palo Alto putsch, where the former U.S. murder capital was transformed into some gentrified monstrocity with Ikea, the Home Despot and even a Four Seasons hotel?!? Gee, where are all the servants going to live now? Oh, they can just move to the East Bay and get up two hours earlier so they can take junior to his $1800/mo preschool.
The most greedy, phony, crappy place on Earth, next to the most obnoxious robber baron grade inflation university that churns out obnoxious idiots that 10 years after graduation are still talking about their boring masters thesis where they created a restaurant ordering system on a palm pilot (ohhh! You can insert data in a database and retreive it too!)
But maybe I should tell you how I really feel about that place sometime...
SF is also kind of this way. Phony liberalism. I'm sure you saw the piece on the Daily Show about how much nicer the SF SPCA is than homeless shelters. That is SF for you. Vegan wuss hippie lemmings spray painting "vegan" tags on Vietnamese restaurants... This just in -- Vietnam is next to the ocean and they eat a lot of seafood because it is abundant. They don't go to the Whole Foods and eat vegan bran muffins... Anyway, those militant vegans are ALL from Detroit...