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stupidest thing a customer ever said to you...
Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2008 3:43 pm
by bigc_Archive
dontfeartheringo wrote:twobeatsoff wrote:I was a barista at a coffee shop in Athens.
I can say with some certainty that I have handed you money at some point in our lives.
I also threw money in the tip jar, because that's how I roll.
As for the bumming your tip money for their beers....
sometimes I
hate Athenians.
But then I move somewhere else and holy shit, does it suck.
I too have given the monies for the coffees at some point.
There's a pretty stark contrast between folks who live in Athens and students who live in Athens part time. This contrast can often be seen in bars around town, which is why I go to bars around town a lot less.
stupidest thing a customer ever said to you...
Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2008 6:33 pm
by Arson Smith_Archive
BadComrade wrote:floog wrote:Working at the Royal Shakespeare Company, the Barbican, London in 1999, selling theatre programmes for the night's performance. An elderly American gent came up, waved a few dollars in my face:
"Do you take these?"
Of all the witty comments I could have made:
"Only if they're 100 dollar bills"
"The rent boys are over in SoHo"
"I don't care how much you pay me, I'm not changing your catheter"
I only managed:
"No. Sir. I. do. not." with a bit of a glare.
His ignorance was genuinely shocking.
I just had a Bosnian customer of mine (with an Italian last name, and what I swear is an Italian accent) ask me if we take Jamaican money. She was serious, too.
Huh. My Bosnian friend Denis used to tell me that back home, if you had an Italian name, you were just the coolest - and the longer the name, the better (!?)
He was always in love with our other friend's last name, "Lombardozzi"...
"Man - if I had name like 'Lom-bar-DO-zzi', I would be KING!", etc.
stupidest thing a customer ever said to you...
Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2008 7:31 pm
by Dylan_Archive
Marsupialized wrote:johnnyshape wrote:BadComrade wrote:
Or the "Do I bring the case up to the counter, or do I just tell you which one I want?"
That's not that unreasonable in many record shops with piles of new releases behind the counter. You could save someone the bother of re-racking that case. OK, it's dumb, but it's not
that dumb.
Yeah they've given me attitude at reckless for bringing up some new release 'Uh, next time if it's something new you should just tell us what it is so we don't have to walk the 3 feet over there and put it back on the shelf'
I hate that shit. I wish I knew who did that so I could personally tell them to get off their hipster high horse and be cool to people. Sorry if you got that at my store.
stupidest thing a customer ever said to you...
Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2008 7:41 pm
by Marsupialized_Archive
Dylan wrote:Marsupialized wrote:johnnyshape wrote:BadComrade wrote:
Or the "Do I bring the case up to the counter, or do I just tell you which one I want?"
That's not that unreasonable in many record shops with piles of new releases behind the counter. You could save someone the bother of re-racking that case. OK, it's dumb, but it's not
that dumb.
Yeah they've given me attitude at reckless for bringing up some new release 'Uh, next time if it's something new you should just tell us what it is so we don't have to walk the 3 feet over there and put it back on the shelf'
I hate that shit. I wish I knew who did that so I could personally tell them to get off their hipster high horse and be cool to people. Sorry if you got that at my store.
Dude, I have been going to Reckless since I was 13. Any attitude I've gotten here and there for whatever is greatly overshadowed by all the joy and everything else that store has done for me throughout my life.
Not just finding a record and getting excited, but all kinds of other stuff. Reckless has always been there. Fighting with the woman? Walk over to reckless and cool off. Bored? Stoned? Reckless.
I have been in that store with every girl I've ever dated, since 8th grade. It was a stop on every single first date I ever had, gives you a real good idea what a girl is all about seeing the records she looks at.
Anyway, yeah....a little attitude once every so often is a small price to pay for something so wonderful.
stupidest thing a customer ever said to you...
Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2008 8:28 pm
by dontfeartheringo_Archive
I had a customer come into this place where i hang out and say "Y'know, the guy who runs this place? He can't laugh... or smile."
And I said, "Eh, you're wrong, dude. I've seen him laugh plenty hard. More than a couple of times, too. I saw him shoot coffee out of his nose once laughing at something I said.
You, on the other hand.... I dunno. You look like kind of like you're a couple of neon tetras shy of the world's tiniest plate of sashimi. Why don't you just fuck off?"
stupidest thing a customer ever said to you...
Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2008 10:40 pm
by readysetrawk_Archive
I work as a bank teller. Last week, a woman lit up in the bank. A cigarette. Inside the bank. She wanted to smoke whilst waiting for her bus.
stupidest thing a customer ever said to you...
Posted: Fri Feb 15, 2008 11:23 am
by itchy mcgoo_Archive
BadComrade wrote:A woman just asked me:
"Do you have the Texas Chainsaw MASSA-KREEE?"
Other than that, she seemed very intelligent. She was well dressed, and carried herself as if she was college educated, etc. She wasn't joking, either.
If she had been toothless and wearing a "I fuck on the first date" t-shirt, I wouldn't even be making this post right now.
Ramones fan.
stupidest thing a customer ever said to you...
Posted: Fri Feb 15, 2008 11:46 am
by Colonel Panic_Archive
"This is a little song I lahk to call 'The Texas Chainsaw MASSA-KREEE and Theme Song'. Why dont'cha sing it along with me, next time it comes around on the gee-tar?"
stupidest thing a customer ever said to you...
Posted: Fri Feb 15, 2008 12:28 pm
by johnnyemphysema_Archive
Marsupialized wrote:twobeatsoff wrote:I was a barista at a coffee shop in Athens.
Is 'Barista' used for both males and females? I thought 'Barista' was just for the females, 'Barrister' was for males.
Am I way off here?
Barista is indeed used for both Males and Females, there is no need to masculine or feminine assignment as all Baristas are by and large pussies. I should know I was one for four years.
stupidest thing a customer ever said to you...
Posted: Fri Feb 15, 2008 1:46 pm
by Colonel Panic_Archive
I may be wrong but I'm pretty sure a barrister is a British lawyer.