stupidest thing a customer ever said to you...

when i was at school i had a part-time job at Toys R Us.
i recall on several occasions people asked me where the restaurant was. i recall once i asked if they ever went into burger king and enquired where the lego was?

i now work in a bar part-time while i'm at university.
yesterday a man asked for a lemonade shandy. for some reason he seemed rather puzzled when i handed him a pint of lemonade.

stupidest thing a customer ever said to you...

BadComrade wrote:"Do you have that song that goes, "Ohhhh, baby! You know I been missin' you since you gone!"

I love doing to this to the fine folks at my local shop because they know that I'm just mocking the imbeciles that go in there..
It's even better when you just hum them the melody line.
Even better than that is when you hum one the instruments' parts.
I find the drums work best.

"Do you have that CD with the song that has the drum part on it that goes
boosh booshbooshboosh crack"

I also enjoy asking them if they have movies that just got released in the theater on the day they get released.
Bradley R. Weissenberger wrote:Shin guards for all!

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