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Eating: Vegetarianism
Posted: Fri Jan 26, 2007 10:47 am
by Marsupialized_Archive
Wood Goblin wrote:clocker bob wrote:And it's $13. Ever try a seitan Rueben?
The Chicago Diner has one, and it's delicious.
Goes well with the 4 dollar can of vegan soda
The french toast there is delicious, but even delicious french toast has no buisness being 8 bucks or whatever I paid for it
Eating: Vegetarianism
Posted: Fri Jan 26, 2007 11:06 am
by Wood Goblin_Archive
Marsupialized wrote:Wood Goblin wrote:clocker bob wrote:And it's $13. Ever try a seitan Rueben?
The Chicago Diner has one, and it's delicious.
Goes well with the 4 dollar can of vegan soda
The french toast there is delicious, but even delicious french toast has no buisness being 8 bucks or whatever I paid for it
They're definitely a bit expensive, but they also serve pretty large portions. I've never tried any of their appetizers, because one entree leaves me stuffed to the gills.
Eating: Vegetarianism
Posted: Fri Jan 26, 2007 11:13 am
by OneFiveFour_Archive
shit, it's Lakeview.. of course it's a little overpriced. the Diner's actually not that bad compared to other places i've tried in the area.
Eating: Vegetarianism
Posted: Fri Jan 26, 2007 11:21 am
by z00york_Archive
Not Crap.
Because I couldn't care less what people decide to eat.
When vegans and vegetarians preach their reasons as to why we should all be vegan or vegetarian to me when I don't want them too, that's crap and severely pisses me off, the facts are out there on both sides of the coin, I can look at it for my self, not all people are interested in "prolonging" their life or making themselves "healthier" by not eating meat.
For the most part, I love cooking for other people and also eating food. If that involves people wanting to eat meat then why not, It's something I enjoy almost every day of my life, and others enjoy it with me too.
I buy organic, free range and foods that are not subjecting animals to terrible conditions and let them live some sort of life. This is not only because I guess it's kinder, but normally because it tastes better.
Example: When chicken tastes like fish because they slam fish down their throats because the protein builds up in the chicken and this is meant to be beneficial for us humans
Eating: Vegetarianism
Posted: Fri Jan 26, 2007 11:29 am
by bassdriver_Archive
endofanera wrote:For some reason that doesnt stop folks (friends, enemies, acquaintances) from telling me what an asshole I am for not eating meat.
you hit the mark! and I don't mind to give em beans.
Eating: Vegetarianism
Posted: Fri Jan 26, 2007 12:03 pm
by nc_Archive
you guys are still talking about this?
Eating: Vegetarianism
Posted: Fri Jan 26, 2007 3:18 pm
by hellyes!!_Archive
endofanera wrote:zom-zom wrote:I can't imagine many restaurants that wouldn't have something a vegetarian would consider edible besides a steak-house. Would it kill you to not eat meat for one dining out experience?
Militant anti-veg is just as bad as the militant vegan assholery.
Indeed. I never tell anyone what to eat -- you like it, then eat it. I will go to just about any restaurant other than a steakhouse or fast food place, and I only wont go those places because I'll be left sucking on ketchup packets all night. For some reason that doesnt stop folks (friends, enemies, acquaintances) from telling me what an asshole I am for not eating meat. See matthew above calling me somewhere between benignly foolish and malignantly idiotic for what I choose to eat, as though there is only one clear path and it's paved with bacon. This is a more regular occurrence than one would believe. Eh.
People are terribly threatened by food choices that have literally no effect on them. It's baffling to me.
Thank you for saying this...I've also experience this constant judgment for not eating meat and I just don't understand it. In fact, I don't even care to share my reasons for being a vegetarian to most people because I don't think it's any of their business; my food choices are my own and I don't need to justify it to anyone. Therefore, I don't harrass other people about what they chose to eat.
Also, I find that I get even shit for it simply because I'm not overweight. I can't count how many times a co-worker comments to me that being vegetarian explains why i'm "so skinny," meanwhile they're sitting their with a deluxe-sized take-out box full of fried chicken and french fries.
Eating: Vegetarianism
Posted: Fri Jan 26, 2007 9:09 pm
by mrarrison_Archive
yut wrote:This issue is a veritable powder-keg (said in a Southern accent).
The oil-peak -> local produce only is not my original argument. There is quite a community of theorists who argue that the oil peak is going to cause severe food shortages, as well as shortages of manufactured goods. Most people feel oil makes gas which runs cars... When we run out of oil, we'll just drive electric cars like Ed Bagley Jr.
No. Oil is necessary for pretty much everything, including shipping veggies around the world. It is the most essential resource, next to air, water, and sunlight.
Geologists have been talking about the oil peak for 20 years. We've already hit peak supply. Demand will continue to increase, but supply will decrease. This amounts to very high costs for anything that uses oil -- which is EVERYTHING.
Google "oil peak".
How will vegetarianism work for people who live in cold climates, deserts, etc, when oil is $90+ a barrel? We're going to ship watery vegetables everywhere? Even as it stands now, a pound of chicken breast is cheaper than a pound of tomatoes (and you get like one tomato per pound).
As far as anecdotal evidence, such as: I was a vegetarian for x years and I never get sick since I switched.
Scientific evidence does not support this. When health care providers (that make more money from keeping people healthy) start proposing vegetarianism, let me know.
Additionally, this switch in diet probably was for health reasons. You probably cut out a lot of junk food, but I could be wrong. I have a feeling if you ate healthier, but included a nutritionally advisable amount of meat in your diet, you would be just as healthy... even healthier. Limiting the amino-acid building blocks that your body can use doesn't amount to healthy living.
But anyway, vegetarianism is a luxury of the modern world, soon to be a thing of the past... Deal.
Wow, yut, you are the dumbest motherfucker I think I have seen on this board. Your argument is so skewed and scientifically retarded that you have left me speechless.
Eating: Vegetarianism
Posted: Fri Jan 26, 2007 10:14 pm
by matthew_Archive
endofanera wrote:zom-zom wrote:I can't imagine many restaurants that wouldn't have something a vegetarian would consider edible besides a steak-house. Would it kill you to not eat meat for one dining out experience?
Militant anti-veg is just as bad as the militant vegan assholery.
Indeed. I never tell anyone what to eat -- you like it, then eat it. I will go to just about any restaurant other than a steakhouse or fast food place, and I only wont go those places because I'll be left sucking on ketchup packets all night. For some reason that doesnt stop folks (friends, enemies, acquaintances) from telling me what an asshole I am for not eating meat. See matthew above calling me somewhere between benignly foolish and malignantly idiotic for what I choose to eat, as though there is only one clear path and it's paved with bacon. This is a more regular occurrence than one would believe. Eh.
You can eat whatever you like. I have never and won't ever try to strong arm a person subsisting on satan alone unless he or she force their ideology upon me and moreover called me an immoral person thus (which has happened to me, mind you.). I was just stating an opinion since this is an opinion forum. I based my opinion on vegetarians/vegans I have known and known of- in particular vegans. I have yet to meet a vegan who did not have some sort of health problem (bad teeth, menstrual problems, general malaise) due to a nutrient deficiency.....and those who do not happen to have deficiencies attempt to make up for the lack with a ridiculous regime of suppliments and foods which are so far removed from nature and eatability as to in some cases warrant the very appellation of "foodstuff" to them dubious.
Eating: Vegetarianism
Posted: Fri Jan 26, 2007 10:47 pm
by hellyes!!_Archive
matthew wrote:
You can eat whatever you like. I have never and won't ever try to strong arm a person subsisting on satan alone unless he or she force their ideology upon me and moreover called me an immoral person thus (which has happened to me, mind you.). I was just stating an opinion since this is an opinion forum. I based my opinion on vegetarians/vegans I have known and known of- in particular vegans. I have yet to meet a vegan who did not have some sort of health problem (bad teeth, menstrual problems, general malaise) due to a nutrient deficiency.....and those who do not happen to have deficiencies attempt to make up for the lack with a ridiculous regime of suppliments and foods which are so far removed from nature and eatability as to in some cases warrant the very appellation of "foodstuff" to them dubious.
If you know vegetarians/vegans with these health problems you speak of then these folks are not monitoring their diets well enough. Besides, I think it's pretty obvious that most of the health problems that people suffer due to dietary issues are mostly amongst the meat-eaters.