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Ok, new WORST Survey. Worst city?
Posted: Tue May 20, 2008 5:34 am
by Cranius_Archive
fishingrhod wrote:St. David's.
officially the smallest city in the world...
yes i am an angler and yes these sort of people, who can see where you are fishing, insist on jumping in or standing/swimming/splashing right in front of you. this is then usually followed up by the cheerful question "have you caught anything". if a news item relating to coasteers and surfers being killed by anti-personnel mines ever crops up on the news then i think you'll guess who planted them. heh heh heh.
You should foul hook them.
Ok, new WORST Survey. Worst city?
Posted: Tue May 20, 2008 8:30 am
by jcamanei_Archive
I'm sure somebody mentioned this one already: Detroit.
That abandoned Ford building by the old Tiger stadium sums it all up. I know people that grew up there and had to move out to the burbs due to the non-existing public services such as garbage collection. And I thought chicago was kind of shitty, ppfffff.
Ok, new WORST Survey. Worst city?
Posted: Tue May 20, 2008 8:46 am
by BlackMarketLiver_Archive
Outside the US -
Manila, Philippines
- for obviously the scenes of poverty everywhere you look
- frequent rain storms result in armies of cockroaches invading your walking space
-a ton of flea and mange ridden dogs and cats will emerge seemingly out of nowhere to try to eat what you have if you attempt to eat outdoors in the less populated areas
- the constant feeling of being threatened by the possibility your purse will be stolen
...etc, etc.
Also, a few other people hit the nail on the head with Newark, NJ. It's a post-industrial wasteland.
Ok, new WORST Survey. Worst city?
Posted: Tue May 20, 2008 10:57 am
by japmn_Archive
3 Words...
Little Rock Arkansas
Dallas gets 2nd place... fuck no... ORLANDO!
then Dallas.
Ok, new WORST Survey. Worst city?
Posted: Tue May 20, 2008 12:53 pm
by Gramsci_Archive
Atlanta, the worst of the worst of US urbanism. Giant, spread-out, car addicted, shite public transport, cycle unfriendly, a lifeless centre outside of business hours, to an outsider it seemed horribly divided along racial lines, malls, out of town "supermarts". Ugly, ugly downtown post-modern offices blocks...
Basically everything I dislike about many US cities.
Ok, new WORST Survey. Worst city?
Posted: Tue May 20, 2008 1:02 pm
by Hell_Guapo_Archive
Fresno, California
'nuff said
(In case there IS more to be said, I'll throw out Taft, Ca also)
Ok, new WORST Survey. Worst city?
Posted: Thu Jul 24, 2008 11:58 pm
by enframed_Archive
i'd say fresno but proximity to the coast and sf are not too bad. phoenix is prolly worse.
Ok, new WORST Survey. Worst city?
Posted: Fri Jul 25, 2008 1:06 am
by timpickens_Archive
Gramsci wrote:Atlanta, the worst of the worst of US urbanism. Giant, spread-out, car addicted, shite public transport, cycle unfriendly, a lifeless centre outside of business hours, to an outsider it seemed horribly divided along racial lines, malls, out of town "supermarts". Ugly, ugly downtown post-modern offices blocks...
Basically everything I dislike about many US cities.
Once you get used to it it's hilarious and awesome.
Ok, new WORST Survey. Worst city?
Posted: Fri Jul 25, 2008 11:49 am
by liquidchildren_Archive
i've been seeing alot of Ohio cities in here, so i'm going to have to submit a vote for Lancaster. the populace/scenery was truly depressing.
i also wandered into some anonymous "city" in Arkansas once and promptly felt like ending my life. never go to Arkansas, or at least a small town there. mosquitos the size of fists, unbearable humidity and a generally sad atmosphere.
Ok, new WORST Survey. Worst city?
Posted: Fri Jul 25, 2008 11:59 am
by Foldyourarmsandsaynah_Archive
Salem, MA
Richmond, VA
Meh, it's all semantics anyway.