Ladies and gentlemen, if you can look up from your work for a second I would like to have a word with you if I might.
It's been brought to my attention that some of you maybe aren't too clear on the concept. Now I assumed a creative bunch like yourselves would have picked up and ran with it but....well, if I can be haven't.
I am not sure if it's not wanting to offend each other or step on one another's toes, but we are just not seeing the results we expected to see at this point. Maybe it's a feeling out process. Maybe you are worried about other people stealing your ideas. Whatever it is, I say we let it go and get cooking here. You have complete and utter freedom of expression in this room. Absolute creative control of your vision. Isn't that exciting to anyone here? I would think it would be exciting to
everyone here.
You sir, where do you work?
Advertising you say?
Tell me, how many times have you presented a golden idea to a client, something you really invested yourself in....something you were truly proud of, something you knew in your heart would bust the industry wide open and they pish-poshed it down into some bland, safe bullshit?
Many times, that's right. Well sir, they'll be no pish-poshing here. I'll promise you that. We recognize and celebrate genius here. If they can't see it over at your firm, we sure can.
I understand you creative types are sometimes shy and might take a little while to get really pumping.
I am not upset with you, and more importantly I am not giving up on you. I'll make that perfectly clear.
I truly believe in you. If I didn't I wouldn't have invited you all here. You are the top of the top. The cream of the crop. I know for a fact you have it in you. Each and every one of you.
Now, what I've done is quickly sketched up some very basic ideas here for you all to see and to help you all get a better grasp on what the goal is here today.
I'll show these to you, we'll go over them a little and then we'll break for lunch. I'll leave them up here during lunch, feel free to come give them a look if you like. Run some ideas around amongst yourselves during the break and we'll come back and I am positive we'll be wowed.
So first off, I have The Tiger's Paw
The EA Style collective.
Members of this group have shown over the years a deep propensity for fashion and style. Never caught outside the house in anything less than the hottest, freshest looks they can often be seen scouring the fashion magazines for new ideas.
I think nobody will argue with me placing Kerble in the leadership position. The man is world renowned for his finely tailored suits and passion for the finer things. He is rumored to own over 700 pair of alligator loafers alone. He was investigated by the authorities early last year for allegedly attempting to have 25 rare Koala bears smuggled into the country for the purpose of making a pair of fur pants out of their pelts.
Turbullac is also a high ranking member of the Tiger's Paw. With a style not as formal as Kerble's but every bit as exciting, he fills a key spot. Often seen in wildly airbrushed jean jackets, he has become a style icon for the youth of the PRF.
and so on and so.
The Funkytown Pipers!
Who are they? What are they about?
Who's the leader of The Lonely Wolves?
Who are they after? What are their goals?
Like I said, feel free to come up and have a look. Hope maybe this helped get some of the juices flowing.
We have chicken in the back, we also have a vegetarian meal for those of you who are insane.
See you guys in an hour.