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Dietz Cabinets.

Posted: Sun Apr 02, 2017 7:00 pm
by dontfeartheringo_Archive
Dudes, is this the thing?

Dietz Cabinets.

Posted: Sun Apr 02, 2017 7:00 pm
by eliya_Archive
Not a TL-606.

Dietz Cabinets.

Posted: Sun Apr 02, 2017 7:00 pm
by W.L.Weller_Archive
Is it which thing? A TL-style 2x15? Or a well made cabinet somebody's trying to get rid of for roughly the cost of plywood & screws? I don't think it's the former (don't the TLs have a narrower port/slot on the edge?), it could very well be the latter. How badly do you need an unloaded 2x15 right now? Bad enough to re-drill holes for T-nuts and find a jack plate that fits the cutout on the back?I'm pretty impressed that it doesn't seem to have any feet, handles, or casters. DFTR, I think it was your description/imagination of the meeting at Fender when they opted to use the same (borderline-useless) handle style from the Twin on Quad & Super Six that I still laugh at.

Dietz Cabinets.

Posted: Mon Apr 03, 2017 7:00 pm
by free_eire_Archive
Forgot to come back and update this. We made four cabs from the EV plans, speakers are eminence Delta 12s for the guitar, similar for bass. Each guitar cab has two TL806 boxes, each bass cab has one TL606 box. We built a false top onto the bass cabs so they would stack with the guitar cabs, and so they'd be harder to carry, which is a nice bonus. All cabs have insulation on the inside, which I think helps with making them less "boxy" sounding. So each side of the stage has a guitar 2x12 and a bass 1x15.Guitar sound has taken me a bit to adjust to from my old 4x12 celestion loaded cab. It's a lot more controlled and articulate, with a little less feedback. I've had to adjust the EQ on the V4 and my boxidizer to be less woofy so I'm not overlapping with the bass too much, and I think the mids are a lot more clear and dynamic. They are more.. plosive? A little less traditional guitar sounding, but I like that a lot. Quick stereo mic rehearsal demo is here: are made from CDX plywood, nailgunned/stapled and glued. Wicked strong. Cloth is just stretched over little frames and pressure fit over the speakers for a modicum of protection. We stained the cabs to match the drumkit to express our love.

Dietz Cabinets.

Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2018 7:00 pm
by tallchris_Archive
Has anyone used one of the Eminence Kappalite 3015s in a Dietz/Mesa/etc? Looking to shave some pounds off hauling my 1x15s around.

Dietz Cabinets.

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2018 7:00 pm
by dontfeartheringo_Archive
I met a speaker technician in Nashville today. I mentioned how much My People like EV-15L speakers and he said "Oh, I got a ton of those. You think anybody would want to buy one?"Friends, email George and let him know if you need one:geoaliwil AT yahoo DOT com

Dietz Cabinets.

Posted: Thu Jun 28, 2018 7:00 pm
by dontfeartheringo_Archive
Tommy wrote:dontfeartheringo wrote:I met a speaker technician in Nashville today. I mentioned how much My People like EV-15L speakers and he said "Oh, I got a ton of those. You think anybody would want to buy one?"Friends, email George and let him know if you need one:geoaliwil AT yahoo DOT comHe didn't happen to mention whether he has any 12L or 12S as well did he?I'm pretty sure he did and he does.

Dietz Cabinets.

Posted: Thu Jun 28, 2018 7:00 pm
by Tommy_Archive
dontfeartheringo wrote:I met a speaker technician in Nashville today. I mentioned how much My People like EV-15L speakers and he said "Oh, I got a ton of those. You think anybody would want to buy one?"Friends, email George and let him know if you need one:geoaliwil AT yahoo DOT comHe didn't happen to mention whether he has any 12L or 12S as well did he?

Dietz Cabinets.

Posted: Fri Jun 29, 2018 7:00 pm
by iscuitdough_Archive
pointillist wrote:Forgot to come back and update this. We made four cabs from the EV plans, speakers are eminence Delta 12s for the guitar, similar for bass. Each guitar cab has two TL806 boxes, each bass cab has one TL606 box. We built a false top onto the bass cabs so they would stack with the guitar cabs, and so they'd be harder to carry, which is a nice bonus. All cabs have insulation on the inside, which I think helps with making them less "boxy" sounding. So each side of the stage has a guitar 2x12 and a bass 1x15.Guitar sound has taken me a bit to adjust to from my old 4x12 celestion loaded cab. It's a lot more controlled and articulate, with a little less feedback. I've had to adjust the EQ on the V4 and my boxidizer to be less woofy so I'm not overlapping with the bass too much, and I think the mids are a lot more clear and dynamic. They are more.. plosive? A little less traditional guitar sounding, but I like that a lot. Quick stereo mic rehearsal demo is here: are made from CDX plywood, nailgunned/stapled and glued. Wicked strong. Cloth is just stretched over little frames and pressure fit over the speakers for a modicum of protection. We stained the cabs to match the drumkit to express our love. What pickups are in that Tele? Is that a Hipshot bridge?The cabs also sound good.

Dietz Cabinets.

Posted: Fri Jun 29, 2018 7:00 pm
by llllllllllllllllllllllll_Archive
When I switched from bass to guitar years ago I installed a Weber Michigan in a Mesa Diesel cab since I couldn t afford another cabinet at the time. It worked for a certain sound when paired with a SF Bassman but I definitely prefer 12 speakers. Might have worked better if I exclusively played clean on the neck pickup or something