clocker bob wrote:TobiasTheCommie wrote:Ok, and where did i claim that research on the etiology of autism was complete?
I didn't claim that you did. I said that you claimed that a cause for autism had been determined, and then I laughed at your attempts to substitute lists of symptoms for a cause.
TTC wrote:What the post DOES say is that "a lot of myths have been replaced by scientific evidence, though the complete etiology of autism isn't complete yet" which part of that don't you understand?
What part of "Tobias doesn't get to decide which potential causes are classified as myths" do you not understand? Do you comprehend that when you begin a sentence with the phrase "a lot of myths", you are asking us to trust you to decide what an autism myth is, and I prefer not to do that, since you are harboring a raging bias? People with a raging bias often fancy themselves as objective. Again, thanks for the comedy.
TTC wrote:It was removed because public outrage required the politicians to step in and do it, though it gained nothing.
So basically, you hate public activism and you accuse all the parents who petitioned for the vaccine change of being idiots.
TTC wrote:If you go back to page 4 you can see how after the removal of Thimerosal the number of people diagnosed with autism increased.
So what? I've said that mercury poisoning is one of a number of cumulative potential causes of autism. Since we
do not know what causes autism, we do not know what
isn't causing autism. Since we do not know what causes autism, we cannot measure the severity of the other envoronmental factors, since we
do not know what they all might be. We do not even have a complete survey of national autism rates- the most recent study focused on 14 states, I think. We do not know if cases of autism are being reported accurately- there could be over-reporting or under-reporting taking place. We don't know if there is a lag in reports that can be traced to victims hurt by vaccines.
Because of all that
we don't know about the causes of autism and about the accuracy of the autism numbers, we can't say, "look, the rate is still rising, no link to vaccine", because first, five years does not make a trend, and second, the cause is still undetermined, and everything follows that first giant step, determination of cause.
*sigh* I hoped you were beyond your childish ad homin attacks.
First of, the list of symptoms linked by me was, for the third time now, A MISTAKE. I missunderstood what you asked for. I've apologized for it already, and i don't understand why you want to be so childish as to constantly attack me for a simple mistake that i have admitted to.
Ok, so if i haven't claimed that the etiology of autism is complete, then why do you attack me for stating that the etiology of autism isn't complete?
As for me deciding which parts a myths, that is easy a myth is "a traditional story accepted as history; serves to explain the world view of a people ", so defining it as myth doesn't state if it is true or not, just that it is the accepted opinion of people. Then that can be verified and upgraded to science. Which happened, for some of them, like genetics, and not for others, like mercury, cold mothers, watching television, overly male brain, etc. Some are still in limbo. But here is the kicker.. You don't act on something until you know if it is true. You don't start treatment if there is no proof it works, like chelation against mercury in people with autism.
Please substantiate this claim "So basically, you hate public activism and you accuse all the parents who petitioned for the vaccine change of being idiots. "
Where did i even insinuate this? All i said was that public activism got it removed. And then i said it gained nothing. I didn't state any feelings on the issue, i didn't accuse anyone of being idiots. That is you being disingenious and putting words into my mouth. Words i disagree with by the way. Would you please stop doing that.
And for your last rant about us not knowing. That statement shows you to be extremely childish in your refusal to look at my evidence. Again, back at page four i showed that there is a lot of evidence that says that there is NO link between mercury and autism, i describe a lot of the problems regarding a link between mercury and autism(why it isn't feasible).
oh, btw do you know what i just noticed? i noticed that this is still true:
OK, since i joined this discussion on page 4 you have yet to argue against my evidence. I take this as proof that you can't argue against it and that i am correct and you just won't accept defeat.
And since i joined this discussion on page 4 you have just chosen to make personal attacks which does nothing except making you look like insecure little boy that don't know how to behave.