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Eating: Vegetarianism
Posted: Fri Apr 04, 2008 7:37 pm
by Marsupialized_Archive
Skronk wrote:Like sitting outside is somehow more appropriate than enjoying the company, and not eating? Riggghhht.
That's the thing, nobody can really enjoy the evening if you don't eat. Nobody can relax, everyone has to focus on the dude who won't eat because he's a weirdo vegan or whatever
Eating: Vegetarianism
Posted: Fri Apr 04, 2008 8:32 pm
by AnthonyVillalobos_Archive
Marsupialized wrote:Skronk wrote:Like sitting outside is somehow more appropriate than enjoying the company, and not eating? Riggghhht.
That's the thing, nobody can really enjoy the evening if you don't eat. Nobody can relax, everyone has to focus on the dude who won't eat because he's a weirdo vegan or whatever
I often get asked to come hang out at a restaurant where my meat eating friends plan on dining just to enjoy each others company. The majority of the time the restaurants they go to have some kind of Vegan option so I'm usually eating while they are and sometimes I don't get any food and they seem to enjoy themselves quite the same. I always cop my bill and tip.
I also never preach about animal rights while my meat eating friends are enjoying their food. That shit's just like having a person who enjoys meat dishes watching you eat a Vegan entree while saying something like " you're not getting enough protein" and "cavemen ate meat so why won't you?" or "There's no meat in that? Get some balls". Shit's annoying. Most of the preaching at any table I've ever sat down at when a vegan is present is done by the meat eaters.
I think people have a good understanding of what Veganism is all about and if they are sincerely interested in the diet (not just trying to start an argument or debate full of mouthed sprinkler sound effects while the other is talking) than I'm usually happy to talk about it but other than that there's no point. You can't force anyone to do anything (unless you're a cop or judge I guess) they don't want to do so I just leave it be.
I don't want to offend anyone at a dinner table by not eating, but I assume if my friends didn't want to be offended they wouldn't call me to join them. most of the time I'm told to come hang out by people who know I'm probably just going to have a drink and relax.
Eating: Vegetarianism
Posted: Fri Apr 04, 2008 8:36 pm
by Marsupialized_Archive
AnthonyVillalobos wrote:Marsupialized wrote:Skronk wrote:Like sitting outside is somehow more appropriate than enjoying the company, and not eating? Riggghhht.
That's the thing, nobody can really enjoy the evening if you don't eat. Nobody can relax, everyone has to focus on the dude who won't eat because he's a weirdo vegan or whatever
I often get asked to come hang out at a restaurant where my meat eating friends plan on dining just to enjoy each others company. The majority of the time the restaurants they go to have some kind of Vegan option so I'm usually eating while they are and sometimes I don't get any food and they seem to enjoy themselves quite the same. I always cop my bill and tip.
I also never preach about animal rights while my meat eating friends are enjoying their food. That shit's just like having a person who enjoys meat dishes watching you eat a Vegan entree while saying something like " you're not getting enough protein" and "cavemen ate meat so why won't you?" or "There's no meat in that? Get some balls". Shit's annoying. Most of the preaching at any table I've ever sat down at when a vegan is present is done by the meat eaters.
I think people have a good understanding of what Veganism is all about and if they are sincerely interested in the diet (not just trying to start an argument or debate full of mouthed sprinkler sound effects while the other is talking) than I'm usually happy to talk about it but other than that there's no point. You can't force anyone to do anything (unless you're a cop or judge I guess) they don't want to do so I just leave it be.
I don't want to offend anyone at a dinner table by not eating, but I assume if my friends didn't want to be offended they wouldn't call me to join them. most of the time I'm told to come hang out by people who know I'm probably just going to have a drink and relax.
It seems like it would be a lot easier if you just grew up and ate a burger from time to time
Eating: Vegetarianism
Posted: Fri Apr 04, 2008 8:43 pm
by AnthonyVillalobos_Archive
Marsupialized wrote:AnthonyVillalobos wrote:Marsupialized wrote:Skronk wrote:Like sitting outside is somehow more appropriate than enjoying the company, and not eating? Riggghhht.
That's the thing, nobody can really enjoy the evening if you don't eat. Nobody can relax, everyone has to focus on the dude who won't eat because he's a weirdo vegan or whatever
I often get asked to come hang out at a restaurant where my meat eating friends plan on dining just to enjoy each others company. The majority of the time the restaurants they go to have some kind of Vegan option so I'm usually eating while they are and sometimes I don't get any food and they seem to enjoy themselves quite the same. I always cop my bill and tip.
I also never preach about animal rights while my meat eating friends are enjoying their food. That shit's just like having a person who enjoys meat dishes watching you eat a Vegan entree while saying something like " you're not getting enough protein" and "cavemen ate meat so why won't you?" or "There's no meat in that? Get some balls". Shit's annoying. Most of the preaching at any table I've ever sat down at when a vegan is present is done by the meat eaters.
I think people have a good understanding of what Veganism is all about and if they are sincerely interested in the diet (not just trying to start an argument or debate full of mouthed sprinkler sound effects while the other is talking) than I'm usually happy to talk about it but other than that there's no point. You can't force anyone to do anything (unless you're a cop or judge I guess) they don't want to do so I just leave it be.
I don't want to offend anyone at a dinner table by not eating, but I assume if my friends didn't want to be offended they wouldn't call me to join them. most of the time I'm told to come hang out by people who know I'm probably just going to have a drink and relax.
It seems like it would be a lot easier if you just grew up and ate a burger from time to time
Life is going pretty easy as it is. A burger would just slow me down. I used to eat burgers all the time and know they're delicious (depends from where) but I've been inspired to embrace a different diet.
It's not really that big of a deal.
Eating: Vegetarianism
Posted: Fri Apr 04, 2008 8:49 pm
by Marsupialized_Archive
I know I'm just kidding with you
Eating: Vegetarianism
Posted: Fri Apr 04, 2008 9:51 pm
by Steve V_Archive
I didn't eat meat for a very long time. Mostly because I got the second Propagandhi LP. No shit. From my early teens until about a year and a half ago, I was a dyed in the wool vegetarian with occasional flirtations with veganism.
Worked at the time. I simply got lazy and started grabbing burgers when my life got hectic and I needed nourishment. I eat primarily vegetarian now, very little meat simply because I only eat meat when it is prepared to my liking, which is either when my mom cooks it or when I go to (rarely) a nice restaurant.
Vegetarianism is definitely not crap, I would add waffles for the really uptight hippie wanker vegs I know, but I won't because they are pretty rare for the most part that I've come across. Still, vegetarianism is not better than eating meat, just like eating meat is not better than vegetarianism.
I hope I die trekking somewhere in the wilderness from hypothermia some time in my old age and a bear or other big furry animal eats my remains. Or I'll blow my face off in a rabid penguin pit. Sweet.
Eating: Vegetarianism
Posted: Fri Apr 04, 2008 9:51 pm
by gaetano_Archive
ticdouloureaux wrote: i find eating repulsive, fat people sicken me. sorry to the fatties out there rock on, i just cant stand to look at you.
not crap as long as you dont bust my balls over what i do.
just keep your comments about fat people for yourself and all will be fine.
Eating: Vegetarianism
Posted: Fri Apr 04, 2008 9:59 pm
by gaetano_Archive
toomanyhelicopters wrote:bah, that's crap. the pain justification? if i took a massive saw, like HUGE, and severed a cow's head in a thousandth of a second with it, that the cow wouldn't even feel even the slightest amount of pain. so then a vegan would eat the meat? bullshit. vegans are all "i don't eat meat" but sperm is meat, plain and simple. it's pure protein. it's as meat as you can get.
it is proved that most mammals can survive for 3 seconds after being beheaded. neuronal pain receptors are fully intact for those 3 seconds. i can't even begin to imagine how hurtful must that feel.
Eating: Vegetarianism
Posted: Fri Apr 04, 2008 10:15 pm
by mkoren_Archive
Marsupialized wrote:I think the whole vegan thing is just an attention ploy anyway
And/or it just highlights the fact that these folks have not even remotely come to terms with their own unavoidable demise.
Eating: Vegetarianism
Posted: Fri Apr 04, 2008 10:18 pm
by gaetano_Archive
n.c. wrote:
there are drawbacks to a meat based diet.
if you're hinting at a diet based solely on meat, well, sure.
actually, any diet based solely on one type of food (even milk, that is) can hurt you.
ask any nutrician who actually graduated at a university instead of watching 25 year old documentaries about cruelty on animals in butcher-houses and they will all tell you the same thing: eating meat AND your greens is a good diet. basically, any diet that constitutes on various types of food is a good diet.
unless you suffer from a phisiological (not psychiatric) eating disorder (celiac disease and the like) a varied diet is perfectly reasonable, if not recommendable.