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Posted: Tue Apr 09, 2019 7:00 pm
by the finger genius_Archive
That all definitely sounds like a pretty regular series events in our house and would probably be attributed to a growth spurt.That said, you know your kids - if it seems super out of character and continues for an extended period don't hesitate to get it checked out by a doctor.
Posted: Wed Apr 10, 2019 7:00 pm
by the finger genius_Archive
Playing soccer with my 6 year old son before his practice tonight, he looks up at me quickly and says œDad, can we go home? I think he s maybe not feeling well and ask what s wrong. œDad, there s a black hole and it s gonna suck us up .
Posted: Thu Apr 11, 2019 7:00 pm
by Anitrak_Archive
the finger genius wrote: œDad, there s a black hole and it s gonna suck us up .About the right age for your son to become a fatalist.
Posted: Sat Apr 13, 2019 7:00 pm
by Anthony Flack_Archive
Chasing the dog around growling "Brain! Brain!"Apparently she does zombies now?"Don't worry dad I'm not actually going to eat Mickey's brain. We're just playing brain tag."
Posted: Sat Apr 13, 2019 7:00 pm
by Pasta_Archive
Anthony Flack wrote:Chasing the dog around growling We're just playing brain tag.HOF
Posted: Sun Apr 14, 2019 7:00 pm
by travis k_Archive
My 12 yr old playing - Let it Be on ukellele pretty well and I don't have it on vinyl to help her. God damn it.
Posted: Sun Apr 14, 2019 7:00 pm
by travis k_Archive
Jesus. Kid can play . And she can sing at same time. I can't do that.
Posted: Mon Apr 15, 2019 7:00 pm
by jimmy spako_Archive
Wanted to write some on the getting time for self and giving time for partner thing, hope to get back to it with more time on my hands now.Posting to ask for recommendations, though:Need song book(s) for things to sing with a young kid. My little dude (2) has started to sing "happy birthday yoyo, happy birthday yoyo" over the past weeks. We sing a lot with him, I just sing around the house musical-come-to-life style or on the way to school. My girlfriend sings an awful lot with him, she has several nice songbooks with classic folk/children's stuff in German and he is way into it. She sings in a choir and can sight read halfway decent. I sing him to sleep with little improvised songs that I repeat if he takes to them. I am kind of lying with the plural because I mostly sing my most fully realised tune, "Moon Man", over and over. I sing the text to some of his books when I read to him. But I don't know any good kids' songs really, except Old McDonald or whatever. I can't go on singing Lost Highway to him forever. So what can you recommend? I can read rhythms well but can't sight read melodies very well without more practice. We found a cheap used little upright piano that we're having moved here in a couple weeks, so I'll be able to either sing with him at the piano or take the time to learn some melodies on my own.Would greatly appreciate any titles or links. Thanks!
Posted: Tue Apr 16, 2019 7:00 pm
by bumble_Archive
jimmy spako wrote:Wanted to write some on the getting time for self and giving time for partner thing, hope to get back to it with more time on my hands now.Posting to ask for recommendations, though:Need song book(s) for things to sing with a young kid. My little dude (2) has started to sing happy birthday yoyo, happy birthday yoyo over the past weeks. We sing a lot with him, I just sing around the house musical-come-to-life style or on the way to school. My girlfriend sings an awful lot with him, she has several nice songbooks with classic folk/children's stuff in German and he is way into it. She sings in a choir and can sight read halfway decent. I sing him to sleep with little improvised songs that I repeat if he takes to them. I am kind of lying with the plural because I mostly sing my most fully realised tune, Moon Man, over and over. I sing the text to some of his books when I read to him. But I don't know any good kids' songs really, except Old McDonald or whatever. I can't go on singing Lost Highway to him forever. So what can you recommend? I can read rhythms well but can't sight read melodies very well without more practice. We found a cheap used little upright piano that we're having moved here in a couple weeks, so I'll be able to either sing with him at the piano or take the time to learn some melodies on my own.Would greatly appreciate any titles or links. Thanks!Little Seed: Songs For Children By Woody GuthriePlayed by Elizabeth Mitchell And you can get the music books for the songs above.
Posted: Tue Apr 16, 2019 7:00 pm
by Teachers Pet_Archive
Woody Guthrie has 2 albums of kid songs that don't make you want to punch yourself.I also love the Carole King 'Really Rosie' LP. If you pair this with Maurice Sendak's 'Nutshell Library' it's basically a song book. The album package also includes full lyrics.