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Ultimate Thunderdome: Fugazi vs. The Jesus Lizard
Posted: Sat Feb 23, 2008 1:28 pm
by HOUSTON_M_Archive
That "Gong" bootleg posted earlier in this thread is very impressive.
Ultimate Thunderdome: Fugazi vs. The Jesus Lizard
Posted: Sat Feb 23, 2008 1:37 pm
by HOUSTON_M_Archive
Holy shit!
The version of "Then Comes Dudley" on Gong is making my head spin; it's vertigo inducing at the right volume.
Ultimate Thunderdome: Fugazi vs. The Jesus Lizard
Posted: Sat Feb 23, 2008 2:07 pm
by Piasek_Archive
i dont love gong so much because:
- there's no mac
- songs from blue aren't so good
Ultimate Thunderdome: Fugazi vs. The Jesus Lizard
Posted: Sat Feb 23, 2008 2:16 pm
by that damned fly_Archive
Piasek wrote:i dont love gong so much because:
- there's no mac
- songs from blue aren't so good
they're better live than recorded, and brendan murphy is a fine drummer.
Ultimate Thunderdome: Fugazi vs. The Jesus Lizard
Posted: Sat Feb 23, 2008 2:39 pm
by Piasek_Archive
that damned fly wrote:Piasek wrote:i dont love gong so much because:
- there's no mac
- songs from blue aren't so good
they're better live than recorded, and brendan murphy is a fine drummer.
i though that it was jim kimball. now i remember that on the back cover of "bang" brendan murphy was mentioned.
Ultimate Thunderdome: Fugazi vs. The Jesus Lizard
Posted: Sat Feb 23, 2008 2:42 pm
by Marsupialized_Archive
Piasek wrote:that damned fly wrote:Piasek wrote:i dont love gong so much because:
- there's no mac
- songs from blue aren't so good
they're better live than recorded, and brendan murphy is a fine drummer.
i though that it was jim kimball. now i remember that on the back cover of "bang" brendan murphy was mentioned.
They had already kicked Jim Kimball out when Gong was recorded I'm pretty sure
Ultimate Thunderdome: Fugazi vs. The Jesus Lizard
Posted: Sat Feb 23, 2008 3:21 pm
by that damned fly_Archive
Marsupialized wrote:Piasek wrote:that damned fly wrote:Piasek wrote:i dont love gong so much because:
- there's no mac
- songs from blue aren't so good
they're better live than recorded, and brendan murphy is a fine drummer.
i though that it was jim kimball. now i remember that on the back cover of "bang" brendan murphy was mentioned.
They had already kicked Jim Kimball out when Gong was recorded I'm pretty sure
he was, and if you actually listened to "gong" brendan murphy is introduced after playing the hell out of one of those "blue" songs.
Ultimate Thunderdome: Fugazi vs. The Jesus Lizard
Posted: Sat Feb 23, 2008 3:30 pm
by Piasek_Archive
the greatness of jesus lizard ends with "down"
Ultimate Thunderdome: Fugazi vs. The Jesus Lizard
Posted: Sat Feb 23, 2008 3:35 pm
by that damned fly_Archive
Piasek wrote:the greatness of jesus lizard ends with "down"
nah, 'cause "thumbscrews," "blueshot," "inflicted by hounds," and "cold water" all rule. oh, and "bad guy" isn't bad either. and there's a couple other tracks off "blue" whose names escape me that are pretty good.
Ultimate Thunderdome: Fugazi vs. The Jesus Lizard
Posted: Sat Feb 23, 2008 3:43 pm
by Piasek_Archive
that damned fly wrote:Piasek wrote:the greatness of jesus lizard ends with "down"
nah, 'cause "thumbscrews," "blueshot," "inflicted by hounds," and "cold water" all rule. oh, and "bad guy" isn't bad either. and there's a couple other tracks off "blue" whose names escape me that are pretty good.
from blue: "soft damage", "happy snakes"
i love very much "blue shot" off shot too, but i don't thing that last two albums are great like liar or goat.