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Really Good Beers

Posted: Wed Oct 31, 2007 10:42 am
by gjhardwick_Archive
Co-Op in the UK do a Fairtrade Honey Beer which is very pleasant indeed

Really Good Beers

Posted: Wed Oct 31, 2007 5:18 pm
by AdamN_Archive
Colonel Panic wrote:
yaledelay wrote:
Rog wrote:
R.F.F. wrote:New Glarus Brewing Company makes

spotted cow


So good. Unfortunately, they can't/won't produce enough for us FIBS.

It's a short trip to Milwaukee.
Try the NGB Hometown Blonde.

really you can't get that south of WI??? weird... I like the totally naked the best...

Had quite a few of those and some Fat Squirrels when we were in Madison and Milwaukee a couple weekends ago. Great stuff. I miss the New Glarus beers.

Drinking a Bell's Amber also brought back sweet memories of beers past.

Thirded. They stopped distributing to other states because the small brewery produces just enough to fulfill the demand of their accounts in Wisconsin.

A few months ago, I stopped off to buy a few cases and was told they are in the process of building a larger facility. However, there are still no long-term plans to distribute out of state.

Really Good Beers

Posted: Thu Nov 01, 2007 2:05 pm
by twobeatsoff_Archive
I had a beer a few days ago that was called Celebrator. I don't know who made it specifically, but it was German and delicious.

Really Good Beers

Posted: Thu Nov 01, 2007 4:39 pm
by DasWiso_Archive
twobeatsoff wrote:I had a beer a few days ago that was called Celebrator. I don't know who made it specifically, but it was German and delicious.

And comes with a little plastic goat. I believe it's from Ayinger, and very much delicious.

Really Good Beers

Posted: Thu Nov 01, 2007 7:45 pm
by PEPPER!_Archive
local beers: I like the Two Brothers stuff from Indiana.

crispy lager: OK beer (Okocim, I have had a few good polish beers)

hanging out with dudes: drink Chimay all out of the bottle like 40s, a European person would cringe

having to hang out for a long time in a bar, like when you have a gig: Heineken. say what you want but it's easy to maintain on that stuff

I was in a Scottish bar in Paris last summer and a friend turned me on to Caledonian. I haven't found it in the states yet but fuck was it good.

the best microbrew I ever had was made by the Mad River brewing co. in California. it's called Jamaica Red. it has a reggae-oriented label, which is extremely offputting, but I remember loving the hell out of it. I haven't seen it outside of California and Washington.

Really Good Beers

Posted: Thu Nov 01, 2007 7:59 pm
by Mark Hansen_Archive
yaledelay wrote:
Rog wrote:
R.F.F. wrote:New Glarus Brewing Company makes

spotted cow


So good. Unfortunately, they can't/won't produce enough for us FIBS.

It's a short trip to Milwaukee.
Try the NGB Hometown Blonde.

really you can't get that south of WI??? weird... I like the totally naked the best...

Actually, I think the problem is with the distribution laws in Illinois. Bell's has the same problem.

The big distributors basically have a lock on the business in Illinios, making it very had for small independent breweries to get a decent distribution deal.

Another to thank (I think) Blagoyevich for.

Really Good Beers

Posted: Thu Nov 01, 2007 11:42 pm
by matthew_Archive
Here're a very few well-known "good" beers in my opinion:

Guinness Draught
Bass Ale
Yuengling Porter....forget the Lager and Black and Tan.
Samuel Adams Golden Pilsner
and nothing beats a Coronita on a sweltering summer day....nada

Really Good Beers

Posted: Fri Nov 02, 2007 11:00 am
by o_d_m_Archive
Christopher J. McGarvey wrote:

Man I want to try this stuff. For some reason, the darker and richer the beer, the more I like it. I have never been to into the pale ale except on very rare occasions, I have been know to drink one of these: (And its a "pale lager", so not quite a pale ale)


Usually, my favorites are:

My usual (when I can afford it):

When I can find it (and afford it):

And strangely, I really like this stuff from time to time. (Much better than Sam Adams in the larger "Microbrewery" category.) Its what I drink when I don't feel like shelling out the money for the Belgians.

The Rochefort is nearly impossible to find in my immeadiate area, which sucks, because I like it even more than Chimay Blue Label. (I fell hard for the Belgians as soon as I tried them, what can I say?)

Really Good Beers

Posted: Fri Nov 02, 2007 11:55 am
by Colonel Panic_Archive
Dude you really ought to get into homebrewing. You can easily make beers that are very similar to all those.

Really Good Beers

Posted: Fri Nov 02, 2007 1:46 pm
by Ty Webb_Archive
Just got back from lunch at Heartland Brewery , where I had two of their seasonal ales.

Indie 500 Pale Ale - Unusual and excellent. It's a double-hopped pale ale, but it's served from a nitrogen pump, so it had an uncharacteristically smooth, creamy feel for an ale so hoppy. Really damn good beer.

Empire State - This was a Czech-style lager, my everyday style of beer. Very crisp. The kind of beer you can drink all day. (And then fall down.)

Heartland, for a mini-chain, produces consistently good beers.

Edit: The days when I can have two imperial pints at lunch and expect any productivity that afternoon are apparently gone. My brain has been warmly swaddled in cotton since I got back. The fried chicken sandwich probably doesn't help.