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Barack Obama Shouldn t Run in 08
Posted: Thu Feb 14, 2008 3:44 pm
by DrAwkward_Archive
DazeyDiver wrote:[url=’s-coming-to-an-end…-ku-klux-klan-endorses-obama]KKK endorses Obama for Prez[/url]
Grand Turk Cletus Monroe has also been very vocal about the election
C'mon, this is a parody article, right? "Cletus Monroe?"
Barack Obama Shouldn t Run in 08
Posted: Thu Feb 14, 2008 3:45 pm
by geiginni_Archive
DrAwkward wrote:DazeyDiver wrote:[url=’s-coming-to-an-end…-ku-klux-klan-endorses-obama]KKK endorses Obama for Prez[/url]
Grand Turk Cletus Monroe has also been very vocal about the election
C'mon, this is a parody article, right? "Cletus Monroe?"
You don't think people still name their kids Cletus?
At least is wasn't Cletus Moe Ron!
Barack Obama Shouldn t Run in 08
Posted: Thu Feb 14, 2008 4:02 pm
by houseboat_Archive
Barack Obama Shouldn t Run in 08
Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2008 11:14 pm
by only here_Archive
obama wrote:The only way that we're going to bring about change is if all of you get excited about change, So I make no apologies for being able to talk good.
he's funny too!
Barack Obama Shouldn t Run in 08
Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2008 12:04 am
by DrAwkward_Archive
houseboat wrote:
Man, do i have a nose for satire or what? All those years of reading the Onion are finally paying off.
Barack Obama Shouldn t Run in 08
Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2008 10:08 pm
by drew patrick_Archive
Obama is having another good night in a swing state.
What say you, Cheeseheads?
Barack Obama Shouldn t Run in 08
Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2008 11:06 pm
by DrAwkward_Archive
drew patrick wrote:Obama is having another good night in a swing state.
What say you, Cheeseheads?
Barack Obama Shouldn t Run in 08
Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2008 11:38 pm
by KeithV_Archive
Hey, what can I say? Somebody running for president that I voted for actually won an election. Yeah, it's only a primary. Wisconsin rules! Hey, I just think he'll make a good figurehead, which is all a president needs to be. He's smooove... Last night, I had a dream that Obama showed up at wedding reception and did a funky-ass dance to the tune of the Jimmy Castor Bunch's funk masterpiece "Troglodyte" and I was sold!!!
But, I'll admit, Kucinich was still on the ballot I was filling out, and I almost gave Denny my protest vote, cause he could dance to "Troglodyte" even better than Obama Yo' Mama, bitch! Kucinich is a elfin sex god!
Barack Obama Shouldn t Run in 08
Posted: Wed Feb 20, 2008 8:55 am
by Kyle Motor_Archive
KeithV wrote:Last night, I had a dream that Obama showed up at wedding reception and did a funky-ass dance to the tune of the Jimmy Castor Bunch's funk masterpiece "Troglodyte" and I was sold!!!
Nice! Did he do a slow-jam with Bertha Butt?
Barack Obama Shouldn t Run in 08
Posted: Wed Feb 20, 2008 10:44 am
by KeithV_Archive
Kyle Motor wrote:KeithV wrote:Last night, I had a dream that Obama showed up at wedding reception and did a funky-ass dance to the tune of the Jimmy Castor Bunch's funk masterpiece "Troglodyte" and I was sold!!!
Nice! Did he do a slow-jam with Bertha Butt?
He did it with one of the Butt sisters... don't know if it was Bertha!