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Slint Show

Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2005 11:52 pm
by ironyengine_Archive
robbjibson wrote:FThey wanted to do something "cheesy" that would cause the die-hard base of fans to revolt... After the show Corey from Touch and Go came up to me and told me that "You are going straight to Hell."

If this is true, and based on I'm willing to accept that it is, I now love Slint much, much more than I did previously. Salut, Mssrs. Slint. Salut, Robb Jibson.

Slint Show

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2005 12:16 am
by Sowley_Archive
ironyengine wrote:
robbjibson wrote:FThey wanted to do something "cheesy" that would cause the die-hard base of fans to revolt... After the show Corey from Touch and Go came up to me and told me that "You are going straight to Hell."

If this is true, and based on I'm willing to accept that it is, I now love Slint much, much more than I did previously. Salut, Mssrs. Slint. Salut, Robb Jibson.

Ah, shucks...I guess I liked the fact that it (the light) was at an inverted angle to the disco ball, and thus lead to a crooked "falling" effect. I thought it was pretty in relationship to the reprise in "Washer." Whatever.

The only things I'm "diehard" for are:

Good Whiskey
Christy Canyon
Revenant Records.

Slint Show

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2005 2:28 am
by steve_Archive
robbjibson wrote:... one of the greatest experiences in my lighting career...

I am afraid to ask what experiences one has in a "lighting career" that merit consideration. Wrong color gel for a Cher impersonator's headpiece? For shame.

Being frank, it's hard to see how the choices would require so much thought, since they run the difficult gamut from "on" to "off," pretty much.

Slint Show

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2005 2:44 am
by Mayfair_Archive
Picking on the lighting guy? THE LIGHTING GUY?! Oh come on now. I am sure we all can come up with more challenging and rewarding things to do than picking on a lighting, say...shooting fish in a barrel.

Just kidding, lighting guy! I enjoyed your lighting. Sometimes dim, sometimes not so much with the dim. I liked both ways!

Slint Show

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2005 8:33 am
by robbjibson_Archive

Slint Show

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2005 9:03 am
by ironyengine_Archive
robbjibson wrote:Just remember that there at 255 steps between on and off...

I hear that sometimes the granularity is even greater than that.

Slint Show

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2005 9:16 am
by Bob Weston_Archive
robbjibson wrote:Next time you move that knob on a tube compressor the ever so slightest and try to get really excited about it to make the band/vocalist feel like you have done something special, you'll know how many steps there are between on and off...

(one of the things that I really enjoyed about Slint was the way the music went from 100% to 1% in the same 16 bars, thats pretty on and off...)

Yeah, but without the music there would be no reason to be there (no band / records / live show).

Without the light show we'd all still be there loving every minute. I don't need the lights to help me understand or enjoy the music.

And so on...

I did really like the mirror ball, though. That's the one time I noticed the lighting. It was both funny and actually very pretty.


Slint Show

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2005 9:25 am
by robbjibson_Archive

Slint Show

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2005 9:29 am
by bumble_Archive
BronxCheer wrote:I'd also like to thank the person who yelled "Fuck You" repeatedly to the Jag that yelled out "freebird." That was a fine example of heckling reaction, and their next drink is on me.

It was Kerble!

It was Kerble right in my left ear!


Slint Show

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2005 10:26 am
by dbychowski_Archive
I'm surprised the assclown who yelled, "PLAY ONE OFF RUSTY" didn't get thrown off the balcony... and that cunt who stood there flipping off Rednails at the metro show on friday needs a boot to the teeth.