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Barack Obama Shouldn t Run in 08
Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2008 11:22 pm
by alandeus_Archive
lemur68 wrote:Mandroid2.0 wrote:Is Ohio a state where someone who normally votes Republican can show up on primary day and vote as a Democrat?
We have an open primary, but the ballot you choose becomes your party affiliation, something I learned the hard way in 2000 when I became a Republican after voting for McCain against Bush. I can see Republicans voting for Hillary because she's more likely to lose in November (even though there are Obama signs all over Upper Arlington, a burb every bit as conservative as its name sounds), but I don't know if I can see them willing to become Democrats for it. Unless, like me, they don't know they'll switch parties as a result.
Interestingly enough, as was pointed out last week at Slate:
"It’s well-known that Barack Obama’s success has depended largely on independent and Republican voters. The corollary to that, however, has been less thoroughly reported: Obama is losing among Democrats.
Over at the Perfect World, Cal Lanier crunches the numbers and finds that Obama, despite being ahead among pledged delegates, has fewer total votes among people who identify themselves as Democrats. (He has 7,392,809 votes; Clinton has 8,229,063.) That gives Clinton as lead with 52 percent of Democrats."
"Even if Obama leads in the popular vote and among pledged delegates, it might disturb party gray beards to learn that the nominee has
essentially been chosen by outsiders."
Barack Obama Shouldn t Run in 08
Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2008 11:41 pm
by Mandroid20_Archive
I have a hard time believing that people who identify themselves as Democrats would choose to not vote for Obama if he were the nominee, though. They may prefer Clinton, but I doubt that anyone who is actually registered as a Democrat would absolutely not vote for Obama.
However, choosing Clinton would cause a lot of non-committed independents such as myself to not vote Democratic and either go for McCain, Nader, or just not vote at all. I see that as a much greater threat to the Democratic Party's cause than not giving their registered party members their first choice. Also, if Obama is swinging Republican voters over, that's even better for the Democrats.
If Clinton is the nominee, she's going to disillusion a lot of people into not voting for the Democratic ticket, myself and my parents included. If Obama is the nominee, some registered Democrats will be whiny about it and begrudgingly go to the polls and vote for their party anyway, because they're loyal to it.
Barack Obama Shouldn t Run in 08
Posted: Wed Mar 05, 2008 5:04 am
by Mandroid20_Archive
lemur68 wrote:We have an open primary, but the ballot you choose becomes your party affiliation, something I learned the hard way in 2000 when I became a Republican after voting for McCain against Bush. I can see Republicans voting for Hillary because she's more likely to lose in November (even though there are Obama signs all over Upper Arlington, a burb every bit as conservative as its name sounds), but I don't know if I can see them willing to become Democrats for it. Unless, like me, they don't know they'll switch parties as a result.
some reporter for an Ohio paper wrote:MIDDLETOWN — Republican voters in the Middletown area appear to be heeding radio talk show host Rush Limbaugh's call for them to cast their ballot for Democrat Hillary Clinton in the March 4 primary election.
Several precinct judges in Middletown and Franklin Twp. said they've seen a "larger than usual" number of Republicans switching over to Democratic ballots. With Republican presidential candidate John McCain having all but sewn up the GOP nomination, Limbaugh urged Republican voters to cast their ballots for Clinton. His reason: To bloody up Barack Obama politically.
Limbaugh said Feb. 29 on the O'Reilly Factor television show that the battle between Clinton and Obama was "too good a soap opera" and that Clinton needed to stay in the race as long as possible to bloody up Obama politically in a way McCain would not.
And apparently some voters were listening.
Marilyn Hatfield, an associate judge in Ward 3, precinct 3 at Christ United Methodist Church in Middletown, said she's seen more Democrats than normal show up at the polls. Hatfield, who has worked in that precinct since 1989, said the precinct is usually almost totally Republican.
"Several people said they were pulling Democratic ballots because of what Rush Limbaugh said on his show," Hatfield said.
In Ward 3, precincts 1 and 5, a total of 26 Republicans switched ballots. Another 10 Republicans cast Democratic ballots in Ward 3, precinct 7.
A precinct judge in Franklin Twp., who declined to give his name, said, "I've seen more switching than what I would consider normal."
Barack Obama Shouldn t Run in 08
Posted: Wed Mar 05, 2008 10:13 am
by MWilke_Archive
To that effect, the polls for weeks have been saying that Obama will beat McCain, but McCain will beat Hillary. I do not comprehend how any Democrat could keep Hillary in this knowing that she's got an uphill battle and Obama doesn't.
Barack Obama Shouldn t Run in 08
Posted: Wed Mar 05, 2008 10:17 am
by connor_Archive
Obama won the under-65 vote in each state. The over-65 vote went overwhelmingly for Clinton. Kind of sucks that they decide who our president is going to be. Oh well, democracy.
And the saddest exit poll of the evening: those who said that "race does matter" in their decision also went overwhelmingly for Clinton. What a lovely little coalition you've assembled, Hillary.
At the same time, you have to hand it to those right-wing fucks: they take a look at who can win, even if they're not nuts about him, and they rally behind him. Why can't we do that?
Barack Obama Shouldn t Run in 08
Posted: Wed Mar 05, 2008 10:29 am
by Marsupialized_Archive
I told ya
The morning after primary wins in Ohio, Texas, and Rhode Island, Hillary Clinton said she would consider being part of a Democratic “dream ticket” that would include both her and presidential rival Barack Obama.
"That may be where this is headed,” she told the CBS Early Show during a marathon set of appearances on the network morning news shows. “But of course we have to decide who is on the top of ticket. I think the people of Ohio very clearly said that it should be me."
The New York senator has made the claim before. Last month, in one of several interviews where she said the scenario was a possibility, she told a Vibe interviewer: “Of course there is (a chance of a joint ticket). Of course there is. Now neither of us will answer this question because we don’t want to look presumptuous and premature. But it is more than fair to say that — of course there is.”
While Clinton has said a joint ticket is possible, the Obama team has largely avoided making similar statements. Some of the Illinois senator’s campaign surrogates have said they believe the claims benefit Clinton because they may convince Democratic voters drawn to the Illinois senator that a vote for her is essentially a vote for both of them — or a vote for him to head the ballot in eight years, after she has had her two terms on top of the ticket.
Primary season rivals who have successfully shared a presidential ticket after tough nominating fights include Democrats John Kennedy and Lyndon Johnson, and Republicans Ronald Reagan and George Bush.
I could deal with Hillary being pres if Obama is her vice, being groomed to be after her
Barack Obama Shouldn t Run in 08
Posted: Wed Mar 05, 2008 10:47 am
by Germ War_Archive
connor wrote:Obama won the under-65 vote in each state. The over-65 vote went overwhelmingly for Clinton. Kind of sucks that they decide who our president is going to be. Oh well, democracy.
Doug Stanhope has a bit about killing all the baby boomers. "Sorry mom & dad, but you've got to go."
Marsupialized, Clinton only said that to make it seem like she's still a frontrunner. I believe she's cut into Obama's lead by all of 7 delegates after yesterday. Playing politics, as usual.
Fuck the media.
Barack Obama Shouldn t Run in 08
Posted: Wed Mar 05, 2008 10:49 am
by DrAwkward_Archive
Marsupialized wrote:I could deal with Hillary being pres if Obama is her vice, being groomed to be after her
Define "groomed."
Barack Obama Shouldn t Run in 08
Posted: Wed Mar 05, 2008 10:55 am
by STF_Archive
I'll vote for the Democratic nominee regardless of who it is, but I think it would be a mistake to nominate Obama. His was a fad-like popularity when he won those 12 states in a row. The more voters find out about him the less appealing he will seem. I think no matter who the nominee is it will be difficult to beat McCain. The Democrats are going to blow three presidential elections in a row we should have won.
Barack Obama Shouldn t Run in 08
Posted: Wed Mar 05, 2008 10:56 am
by STF_Archive
DrAwkward wrote:Marsupialized wrote:I could deal with Hillary being pres if Obama is her vice, being groomed to be after her
Define "groomed."
It's Clinton's turn. Obama can wait.