enframed wrote:as i said, no one will fund "scientific study." i've looked into it. i've gone so far as to contact a very large foundation that funds studies for diseases such as autism. i told them i had six figures to donate. they said "no" after the first contact. i asked why. they said "dietary studies are too difficult."
Funny. I just went to PubMed, a handy-dandy search engine for peer-reviewed medical and scientific journals and did a search for "autism" and "diet". 91 articles came up. Ladies and gentlemen, the tip of the iceberg:
J Epidemiol Community Health. 2006 May;60(5):375. Links
Autism and diet.Potts M, Bellows B.
PMID: 16614324 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
Scientific America 2007 Apr;296(4):19-20.Links
The autism diet.Alpert M.
PMID: 17479620 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE
J Autism Dev Disord. 2006 Apr;36(3):413-20. Links
The gluten-free, casein-free diet in autism: results of a preliminary double blind clinical trial.Elder JH, Shankar M, Shuster J, Theriaque D, Burns S, Sherrill L.
College of Nursing, University of Florida, Gainesville
Journal of Devel Behav Pediatr. 2006 Apr;27(2 Suppl):S162-71. Links
Elimination diets in autism spectrum disorders: any wheat amidst the chaff?Christison GW, Ivany K.
Department of Psychiatry, Loma Linda University School of Medicine, Loma Linda, California 92354, USA.
Journal of the American Diet Association 2007 May;107(5):727-30. Links
Registered dietitians' insights in treating autistic children.Peregrin T.
PMID: 17467361
Pediatric Nursing 2007 Mar-Apr;33(2):138-43.Links
Diet and child behavior problems: fact or fiction?Cormier E, Elder JH.
Florida State University College of Nursing, Tallahassee, USA
Journal of Autism Developmental Disorders. 2006 Oct;36(7):901-9. Links
Patterns of complementary and alternative medical therapy use in children diagnosed with autism spectrum disorders.
Journal of Medical Case Reports. 2007 Sep 20;1:98. Links
2-methylbutyryl-CoA dehydrogenase deficiency associated with autism and mental retardation: a case report.Kanavin OJ, Woldseth B, Jellum E, Tvedt B, Andresen BS, Stromme P.
Department of Pediatrics, UllevÄl University Hospital, Oslo, Norway.
Pediatric Neurology 2007 Mar;36(3):152-8. Links
Children with autism: effect of iron supplementation on sleep and ferritin. Dosman CF, Brian JA, Drmic IE, Senthilselvan A, Harford MM, Smith RW, Sharieff W, Zlotkin SH, Moldofsky H, Roberts SW.
Developmental-Behavioral Pediatrics, Glenrose Rehabilitation
Clinical Toxicol (Phila). 2007 Jun-Aug;45(5):476-81. Links
24-hour provoked urine excretion test for heavy metals in children with autism and typically developing controls, a pilot study.Soden SE, Lowry JA, Garrison CB, Wasserman GS.
NOW will the uncredentialed dilettantes please shut up?