Marsupialized wrote:rayj wrote:I'd like to hear it live. You guys are too
nice, really. Good stuff, though...I like the new track.
thanks, we are too
nice? what does that mean?
Ha! Don't let my halfassed remarks fly too far. I meant that the mood you guys pull off so well doesn't sate my hunger for angrier/more
damaged sounding fare. It's I get older, I get angrier, and end up being hungry for a listening experience more akin to, umm, well, the likes of say early Hammerhead, etc. I always thought I'd be listening to more subdued stuff, and I do, on occasion. However, these days I find myself searching for more damage. My statements about your art aren't intended as criticisms (I don't think music/etc. criticism
as a whole holds any water whatsoever, unless the writer is exceptionally talented and intelligent), but instead point towards my current mental state. Angry.
What you
should take from my comment is that you fellas are onto something good. I bet you communicate it better in the live, like most bands do. You should play Seattle. C'mon over.