There are four pictures in this post, but I will leave you to visit the link to see them.
Update Lake Travis GrandiOZe FloatZill@ Experience…
"Ahoy Me hE@Rt'Ezzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz,
Behold: 55 years young man "Seasoned Salt" (past-RockST@R Future-king 'OV
PistiSophi@bE.T.h's Diamond'Z... self procKlaimed%$#/heir pre$umptive... looks like 10,055) & mans On1EDERfull Son 15 (future-RocK ST@R & king 'OV H@PPY'z KlUbZ). Lend me your earz?
That said, We(aeonz), the adorned%$#/embellished%$#/graced%$# with the use (usufruct) of "20" New or Verily, Verily, GoOd; Water Craft (Ski, Wake, Sail, Fishing & Tri-Toons & all the toys) & are willing/wanting to lease/sell his/her/our GlOrY... For a Little tidy Sum for4 a *SeaSon!
Just ThInK? GoOd, InSpirITed%$#/people… ExploRING, ExpERiENcing all PossibilITy's? wH@T Lake Travis may/could have t2o offER?
HyPOThE.T.icKally saying from 7 Am - 7:30 Pm Tuesday-Friday. AS.K. and ye may reciEVE fleXibleITy.
BYO DrINKs, Fo?oD & TowEL if you plan on gE.T.ting wE.T.
All you have to do is give me/us a jinGLE and I/we should be able to safely secure you & your loved%$# on1e'Z/friends from most any Marina on Lake Travis. But, we'll see you gE.T. some "Lucky St@rZ" for @ the VIP Marina/Volente Water P'@rk, Volente).
Minimum PENiTENce/bail/doN@TION of 20 "In God We Tru$T'$" Per-Soul "or" You and Your friends (1-13 DEpenDING on the Cr@fT you/we choOZe). Inve$t in a Little $um for the requiRED fOZsil fuEL aKa ga$ till we sav'E allO.T. a@t thE/Z BitTER EnD.
Ki?nDom Ko?mE?
Steve Klein 512-924-6531
Home Portal VIP Marina, Volente
but I hope shortly to see thee, and we shall speak face to face. Peace [be] unto thee. The FRIENDs salute thee. Salute the FRI'ENDz by name (Little/Klein)."
*millenarianism "