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Your best ever thrift store-flea market find

Posted: Mon Mar 17, 2008 12:36 pm
by fantasmatical thorr_Archive
a picture of a roundhouse made of hay.

Your best ever thrift store-flea market find

Posted: Mon Mar 17, 2008 12:50 pm
by ben_Archive
Clavioline $150 Ancient tube keyboard. Sun ra used one and so did the beatles on "baby you're a rich man" . Looking to restore it. Any qualified repair shops in chicago?

It's not in chicago, but peter at electronic edge in yellowsprings OH can probably fix it. Last time I was there he had just finished a group of borads he was refurbishing for stevie wonder.

Your best ever thrift store-flea market find

Posted: Mon Mar 17, 2008 3:39 pm
by d865_Archive
Ben wrote:
It's not in chicago, but peter at electronic edge in yellowsprings OH can probably fix it. Last time I was there he had just finished a group of borads he was refurbishing for stevie wonder.

Thanks man. I'll check that out. The clavioline is really thick sounding and you can alter the unique tone in various ways. I've never heard of a "borad". Do they sound cool?