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Favorite Guitar Amps
Posted: Tue May 03, 2005 4:20 pm
by placeholder_Archive
Favorite Guitar Amps
Posted: Wed May 04, 2005 10:58 am
by bigc_Archive love for the Hiwatts, huh?
Favorite Guitar Amps
Posted: Wed May 04, 2005 2:00 pm
by MattCrane_Archive
I have a marshall mk2 jmp 100 watt but i made it 50 watt. It has more growl then the 50 watters.
Favorite Guitar Amps
Posted: Wed May 04, 2005 5:17 pm
by 4 Hour boner_Archive
4 hour boner uses a Crate xt120r combo and a Randall RG75 combo. I also like my Peavy Rage 158.
the guitars we use are a Dean "Dime Bag" model and a Kramer Striker.
Favorite Guitar Amps
Posted: Thu May 05, 2005 8:23 am
by placeholder_Archive
4 Hour boner wrote:4 hour boner uses a Crate xt120r combo and a Randall RG75 combo. I also like my Peavy Rage 158.
the guitars we use are a Dean "Dime Bag" model and a Kramer Striker.
Take note, folks; the secret to the elusive "4 Hour Boner Sound" has just been revealed.
I just play through a Fender Twin I bought new a couple of years ago. I know next to nothing about amps, so I'm sure this is probably a lame thing to play through. I like the way it sounds, though. I play clean, mostly, and this amp sounds right to me. I guess it's my favorite amp.
Favorite Guitar Amps
Posted: Thu May 05, 2005 11:42 pm
by chrysler_Archive
Vox AC-30 takes the cake, but few of us can afford one of these. Even the newer ones are notoriously unreliable.
Runners-up: Hiwatt and Laney 50W heads. They're just different enough to sound distinctive if you know how to adjust the gain and tone controls.
Marshalls always sounded really bland to me -- lots of poorly-defined low end rumble and way too much compression. Some of the modified heads sound good, but who wants to bother after paying top dollar in the first place?
I toured with a Laney AOR 50 for many years and got a lot of inquiries afterward from guitar geeks who admired my tone. I'd made a slight modification, replacing the Laney nameplate with one that said Beverage Air. "Oh, yeah," I'd say. "It's a really small company that also sells refrigerators. I think they're made in Wichita."
Favorite Guitar Amps
Posted: Fri May 06, 2005 12:19 am
by Don_Archive
I like my amp, but I know there are better ones to be had. Still, I bought my 1983 Fender Concert amp for next to nothing. I got the money from an insurance settlement. Somebody smeared egg on the hood of my car, which resulted in several layers of paint being eaten away. The insurance adjuster looked at the car, and wrote me a $430 check on the spot. Immediately I thought, "Paint car/buy amp, paint car/buy amp?" That weekend, I went to "the city" to take my teacher's certification exam. After the test, I walked into Rockin' Robin music, looked around for a Marshall Valvestate combo I'd seen a week earlier, and found that Fender beast in its place. I plugged in, cranked up the gain, lo it was good, bought that sucker. It's quirky, heavy, and, well, I discovered the gain sucks, but I love it all the same. May we never part.