Lone nut or orchestrated plot?
Posted: Wed Jun 18, 2008 7:13 pm
After spending the last part of the eleventh grade studying this, I am still not sure what I believe about this, but I never miss an opportunity to show off my JFK Cake.

big_dave wrote:Haha.
Tom's script was better.Rick Reuben wrote:I wrote this play after reading that horseshit:
Big Dave: "It would take a New World Order to perpetrate 9/11."
Clocker Bob: "So you are saying there is a New World Order?"
BD: "Of course not. But it would take one to perpetrate 9/11."
CB: "So you're saying that there isn't a New World Order?"
BD: "Right."
CB: "So if there isn't a New World Order, then there is a motive for one of the unaligned concentrations of power on Earth to gain more power through synthetic terror."
BD: "No. Only an existing New World Order could carry out a job like 9/11."
CB: "But you just said there isn't a New World Order."
BD: "There isn't."
CB: "Then how can you use an organization that does not exist ( according to you ) to debunk 9/11 conspiracy theories? Wouldn't a logical person use only organizations that they think actually exist as evidence against 9/11 conspiracy theories?"
BD: "Urrr... Only a NWO could commit 9/11!"
CB: "I heard you the first time. And I also heard you say there was no New World Order."
BD: "Urrr..."
big_dave wrote:I don't really have an opinion on the JFK assasination past the fact that the single bullet theory is plausible and the front bullet theory is unprovable without specific evidence.
."I know that most men, including those at ease with problems of the greatest complexity, can seldom accept the simplest and most obvious truth if it be such as would oblige them to admit the falsity of conclusions which they have proudly taught to others, and which they have woven, thread by thread, into the fabrics of their life"
big_dave wrote:I don't care if the conspiracy theories are likely or not, I think what is more interesting is that the shooting of an unproven president impacted the popular psyche enough to generate them in a wide spectrum from the plausible to the neurotic.
big_dave wrote:There is no "official story".
Earwicker wrote:Who's confirmation bias were you talking about?
big_dave wrote:There is no "official story".
big_dave wrote:OK, so you admit that the term "official story" is airy and means nothing, and shouldn't be used outside of vaguery and rhetoric?