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Miscellaneous Chicago news

Posted: Wed Nov 28, 2018 6:00 pm
by Redline_Archive
Carl wrote:Feds raid Ed Burke's office.How many times did Edwin vote in the last election?At least the Feds brought their own boxes to take his stuff away. Solid!

Miscellaneous Chicago news

Posted: Sun Jun 30, 2019 7:00 pm
by numberthirty_Archive
While this one really amounts to "Illinois" news, even holding or touching a portable communication device while you are driving is seemingly a moving violation as of today.- Law Cracks Down On Texting While Driving Bloomington Police spokesperson John Fermon said that includes any use of an electronic device ”even picking up your phone to change the song. œIf you start the navigation system, you can t touch it while you re driving, Fermon said. œSo basically if you ve got your cell phone mounted how most people do in their air vents, that s fine, that s acceptable. You just can t touch it or be using it while you re driving. Fermon said any Bluetooth or hands-free GPS and calling uses are still fair game, but drivers under the age of 19 cannot use cellphones while driving at all.Normal Police Chief Rick Bleichner said his department gives out on average 100 citations for unlawful use of a cell phone every month. He calls it one of the leading causes of crashes. œIt could be a cellphone, it could be a tablet, he clarified. œIt s any handheld wireless device barring something that would be specifically for GPS.

Miscellaneous Chicago news

Posted: Mon Jul 08, 2019 7:00 pm
by mrcancelled_Archive
There's an alligator in the Humboldt Park lagoon.