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Band: Phish Phish?
Posted: Tue Jul 16, 2019 7:00 pm
by andteater_Archive
Angus Jung wrote:jeff\_fox wrote:Anything that will distance me from the proclivities of the people on this forum is an added bonus.I'm currently listening to String Cheese Incident's 4-LP "Live at the Boulder Chakra Center" box set, just to own the PRF.well, for once you didn't reference jeff's sexuality, so I guess we are seeing some personal development.enjoy the box set!
Band: Phish Phish?
Posted: Tue Jul 16, 2019 7:00 pm
by jeff_fox_Archive
Frank Decent wrote:I'm pretty sure I used to hate this band, but, because I love and respect FM Jeff Fox I will give it another good try before voting crap. Is that objective enough? Probably not.It's a hard code to crack if you're starting past the age of 16 or so.I've seen them probably 30 times.I saw them 2 years ago and it was god awful.I saw them 2 weeks ago and it was absolutely incredible. Trey is a mind blowing guitarist.Unlike with the Dead, I would start with studio albums. Rift, Nectar, Lawn Boy, Junta. They ALL have bad shit on them- most often the lyrics/vocals. But they also have crazy YES/Zappa sounding prog shit.Anything that will distance me from the proclivities of the people on this forum is an added bonus.
Band: Phish Phish?
Posted: Tue Jul 16, 2019 7:00 pm
by numberthirty_Archive
While I usually tend to be on the same page as Jeff about this particular corner of things, I am going to have to politely disagree with him on a couple of specifics when it comes to Phish...First, I noticed that he did mentioned that album Hoist. If I was looking to give the band a fair shake, I would start of there. Some of the more "Civilian"-friendly stuff there will probably be an indicator if you are even going to be able to try to hang with some of the other stuff.Take "Down With Disease" or "Sample In A Jar". If those tunes aren't working, that might be a sign that it just ain't going to take.Second, the idea that Trey is a mind-blowing guitar player. To me, Trey is almost exactly like Steve Vai in that regard. If you aren't naturally someone who is inclined to be receptive to what they are each doing as guitar players, it's going to be all uphill. While I can absolutely make an "On Paper" case for each of those guys being mind-blowing players, I know that their playing is essentially a "Take It"/"Leave It" proposition. If you can think up the exact opposite of Michael Schenker on Strangers In The Night, that's about how Trey's playing always feels to me.
Band: Phish Phish?
Posted: Tue Jul 16, 2019 7:00 pm
by H-GM_Archive
shit about to pop-off in the phish thread
Band: Phish Phish?
Posted: Wed Jul 17, 2019 7:00 pm
by jeff_fox_Archive
Fuck Hoist. It's a bunch of 4 minute pop songs, I'm not sure how that would be an appropriate entry point when their best stuff is 8 to 15 minute prog jams. It's also a shitty album. I absolutely HATE down with disease and sample in a jar.I'm not super well versed on Steve Vai or Michael Schenker but I know they're shredders. Trey isn't a shredder even by the most generous definition. His playing is like 30% feedback.Oh wait, you're saying the OPPOSITE of Schenker...ok, how is that a bad thing?In short: Wrong.
Band: Phish Phish?
Posted: Wed Jul 17, 2019 7:00 pm
by numberthirty_Archive
jeff\_fox wrote:Fuck Hoist. It's a bunch of 4 minute pop songs, I'm not sure how that would be an appropriate entry point when their best stuff is 8 to 15 minute prog jams. It's also a shitty album. I absolutely HATE down with disease and sample in a jar.I'm not super well versed on Steve Vai or Michael Schenker but I know they're shredders. Trey isn't a shredder even by the most generous definition. His playing is like 30% feedback.Oh wait, you're saying the OPPOSITE of Schenker...ok, how is that a bad thing?In short: Wrong.When I mentioned Schencker, it was more to point out that the guy had some familiar aspects in his playing for folks who might not be inclined to cut more "Sherd" sort of stuff slack when they are deciding if they can get along with UFO. The guy had plenty of "Don't sweat it, buddy. Here's some familiar pentatonic box stuff you can probably be comfortable with." Even more so on that live record that I mentioned. It's pretty middle-of-the-road guitar music that he is just revving up a bit.On the other hand, Trey or Steve Vai are pretty solidly out there on their own trip without much of a concession to listeners who might not be inclined to get with each of their styles.It's not a bad thing, it's just not really taking a step towards listeners who might not be able to readily embrace it.
Band: Phish Phish?
Posted: Thu Jul 18, 2019 7:00 pm
by Defender_Archive
jeff\_fox wrote:Fuck Hoist. It's a bunch of 4 minute pop songs, I'm not sure how that would be an appropriate entry point when their best stuff is 8 to 15 minute prog jams. It's also a shitty album. I absolutely HATE down with disease and sample in a jar.I'm not super well versed on Steve Vai or Michael Schenker but I know they're shredders. Trey isn't a shredder even by the most generous definition. His playing is like 30% feedback.Oh wait, you're saying the OPPOSITE of Schenker...ok, how is that a bad thing?In short: Wrong.this post is actually spot on. trey certainly has that reputation but if you listen to them, it's really not true at all and their best shows/jams usually have some super cool feedback loops
Band: Phish Phish?
Posted: Sun Jul 21, 2019 7:00 pm
by Andrew_Archive
Someone post audio from a cool guitar solo. I don't like Phish but I like guitar feedback.
Band: Phish Phish?
Posted: Sun Jul 21, 2019 7:00 pm
by MJongo_Archive
Maybe the solo about 1:40 into œLlama . I don t really know what constitutes a œcool solo or feedback but I like that one.