How many people here have had multiple interactions with multiple multi-billionaires?
:raises hand:
I had a friend in DC whose parents worked for NSA. And whose grandparents were Masons! I kept trying to talk this friend into giving me some of the Mason paraphernalia they found when going through the grandparents' personal articles after they died (how it was discovered), but no dice.
I love conspiracy theories! Not because I necessarily believe there is one or five or ten people steering the world (though it wouldn't surprise me if the folks way up on top did get together sometimes and have conversations over a game of golf, or some cigars and liquor that costs more for a glass than joe 6-pack makes in a week) but because it's just plain stupid to think that people with massive amounts of money and power don't manage wide-sweeping control systems that are totally fucked up. Look at it this way... if you can pay the smartest folks on the planet $5 or $50 million a year to do XYZ, there's a damn good chance those people are on your payroll. If you can pay dictator XYZ $50 million a year to let you do whatever it is you're looking to do in his country, or you can hook him up with kick-ass weaponry via your company that makes kick-ass weaponry, that dictator is probably on your payroll. Don't you think there are at least a *couple* evil geniuses out there with massive bank and massive will to power?
I remember the time when we were working on a project for one of these multi-billionaire cats, and this guy whose title was "project coordinator" (he was basically this guy's slave-boy) was unavailable because he was off at some mine in Africa, scoping out the stone that was going to be cut into gargantuan slabs and shipped halfway across the planet to cover the walls in one of the rooms of this $20 million house. I just drove past that house this weekend, to see how it looked from the outside. It's beautiful. You'd never guess it cost more than like $5 million to build. I also know some funny stuff about that house, like the fact that he has a special 1-megawatt power feed, and beside that he has a gigantic, GIGANTIC diesel generator in the sub-basement that can power the house quite well if the city's power system fails. And that there's an entire section of the house that is known to be totally illegal by Chicago building code, and as such was listed on the blueprints in fallacious ways. That stuff is fact. As for conjecture, how much ya wanna bet somebody with the city was paid off at some point? Or rather, how many people with the city do you think were paid off? Zero?
The security system for that house is hilarious. First of all, when it's in lockdown mode, the only way in is through the all-concrete garage. There is an armed guard, 24-7, behind bulletproof glass inside that garage. You will never get in that house, seriously! The owner was SO paranoid (way more than a conspiracy theorist, honest!) that he has pressure sensors installed on the roofs of the neighboring buildings, so if anyone attempted to get onto his roof (which again, was covered in pressure sensors) via one of the neighbor's roofs, they'd know before the people made it to his roof.
A totally different rich nutcase in chicago (burbs) also has a 24-7 armed guard, preventing people from entering his driveway. This particular guy was deathly afraid that any one of the members of his company's union (who he knew he was fucking) would come and try to kidnap or kill his family. It's because of this nutjob that I know two interesting things... first, that night-vision goggles work exceptionally well when you have IR-spreaders all over your property (he insisted on this), and second, that Lockheed was going to win the contract for the JSF. This was maybe a year before the decision about that contract was even made. Whoops! That's firsthand knowledge I had of a conspiracy. A government contract was decided, and this guy knew about it (totally illegally!) like a year ahead of time. I was given a (totally illegal, as I was informed at the time) nice inside stock tip, to buy Lockheed for this very reason... this was when the stock was at like $20 a share,
in 2000, right at that giant dip where it looked bad for Lockheed.
I love a good conspiracy. And I would say that while you can go ahead and equate a devout "conspiracy theorist" with a nutjob, if you deny the sheer probability that conspiracies abound, you are living in a dream world! People with unfathomable amounts of money and power do exist, and they have proportional control over all manner of things. Government contracts are of course one example. Yeah, people get brought down for this kinda stuff. What percent of the time is it a patsy, and what percent is it the real kingpin? I'm gonna guess that it's the real kingpin maybe once in a million billion nevers.
Tenet stepped down cause he wanted to spend time with his family, remember? HA! Who's even running the CIA right now? What's the latest that the CIA is up to? Somebody lay out for me a good description of all the covert ops the CIA is in the midst of right now, and the source for all those funds. Just kidding!