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Posted: Tue Mar 01, 2011 6:00 pm
by tony w_Archive
does anybody have any thoughts on Soultone cymbals? their distribution is pretty weak -- i live in dallas and can't find them anywhere. i've heard them live and they sounded pretty great, but i've never played them, and just wonder if you guys have any thoughts.i know i have a low post count, but i promise i'm not shilling for them. just looking to buy new cymbals. always loved the sound of Ks, and am considering getting some big Giant Beats (24, 20) based on the glowing reviews here and elsewhere.thanks much.


Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2011 6:00 pm
by tony w_Archive
offal wrote:My honeymoon period is over for me with the Giant Beat 18 crash. The more I play it, the more brittle it sounds. This more a reflection of the context I use it in, since it still sounds good on its own, but I would probably trade it for a Zildjian A now if I could.Interesting.. what type of music are you playing with it?


Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2011 6:00 pm
by evanrowe_Archive
offal wrote:My honeymoon period is over for me with the Giant Beat 18 crash. The more I play it, the more brittle it sounds. This more a reflection of the context I use it in, since it still sounds good on its own, but I would probably trade it for a Zildjian A now if I could.This is sad news! I have yet to play the 18, but was planning on going to one when I can no longer repair the 2002 I have in that position. I had the same feeling about the Twenty series I tried at one point before I accepted that I was just going to keep buying very thin cymbals. I liked the 18 of that line, but the 20 just never let up with this ~8kHz overtone. Has the context changed at all, or is it just something you were able to overlook for a while?ETA: Also, Offal, a few months back I cracked the top of the pair of the Paiste 3000 heavy hats I bought from you. Ha ha! They lasted for 20 years, and then I had them for one [but I sure loved them for that year, and the bottom is serving pretty nicely atop a Mastersound]! Maybe it was just the softer alloy? No, also I have broken a bottom New Beat which I was using as a top, back when I was still playing with 5As. I cannot have nice things. But fear not, responsible drummers! You're not bailing me out like some common hobo underwater on the mortgage on a four-bedroom house or a fat cat Wisconsin teacher rolling around on a bed of $25 copays. I've never returned a cymbal, secure in the knowledge that edge cracks are pretty much explicitly not ever covered, ever.Maybe me and my Dremel + Reinforced Cutting Wheels should go into business.


Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2011 6:00 pm
by offal_Archive
tony w wrote:what type of music are you playing with it?Short answer: The link in my signature goes to our Facebook page, which has audio clips on the Info tab. Long answer: Medium-heavy rock with lots of trebly guitars and effects. Basically, our band is an ongoing battle of cymbal wash vs. guitars with delay, fuzz, weird shit, and a fuzzed-out bass guitar. Lots of competition in those upper frequencies.I have two 18" crashes. The Giant Beat is my higher pitch, and my Zildjian A is my lower pitch. For context, I am considering making the Zildjian my high pitch, and getting a Zildjian A 19", 20" or maybe even a ride to use as my darker crash. I have every confidence that the Giant Beat would be A-OK in a context where it did not have to fight to be heard. Against our wall of noise, the poor thing ends up sounding like a damned splash.evanrowe wrote:Has the context changed at all, or is it just something you were able to overlook for a while?Context hasn't changed, I think I just liked it so much that I was in denial about how it would perform in the real world.evanrowe wrote:a few months back I cracked the top of the pair of the Paiste 3000 heavy hats I bought from you.Evanrowe! You killed the 3000 hats already? Goddamn, man! I've only ever broken a hi-hat once, and that was some no-name, paper-thin piece of shit that came with one of my first drum sets. In related news, I have recently upgraded from 5Bs to 3As, so perhaps I should start a cymbal savings account now.


Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2011 6:00 pm
by offal_Archive
Thanks for the kind words!tony w wrote:I noticed on your FB you're playing sxsw - are you playing any shows in denton or dallas on the way through?So far, we have not been able to pick up a show on the way from Denver to SXSW, but if you know of any last-minute openings or hook-ups, we're all ears. Otherwise it's the PRF Trailer Space show on Friday, and the Slabfest on Saturday... about which we are all pants-shittingly excited, I should add.Super stoked about the BBQ. You have no idea.


Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2011 6:00 pm
by tony w_Archive
offal wrote:Against our wall of noise, the poor thing ends up sounding like a damned splash.Yeah, i can sympathize...I noticed that link after i posted. the songs sound great -- i really like the sound of your kick.I'm kind of in the same world as you musically, so i'll take your warning into consideration. I've had better results sticking to 20's and 22's, so i doubt i'll even bother with the 18's.I noticed on your FB you're playing sxsw - are you playing any shows in denton or dallas on the way through?And Ruby's BBQ (not Rudy's) is always my first stop in austin. great shit. 29th and Guadalupe.


Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2011 7:00 pm
by Bon Hoga_Archive
A guy told me last night the bigger and heavier the cymbal the darker the sound. Crap/not crap?


Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2011 7:00 pm
by dontfeartheringo_Archive
Bon Hoga wrote:A guy told me last night the bigger and heavier the cymbal the darker the sound. Crap/not crap?Crap.Materials and hammering, lathing, thickness from bell to shoulder and shoulder to edge: these all affect the dominant frequencies of a cymbal. My thin Turkish crash is the darkest, trashiest sounding crash I have ever heard.Your friend, he's probably also convinced that bigger drums are always deeper pitched, I'm guessing.


Posted: Fri Aug 05, 2011 7:00 pm
by Bon Hoga_Archive
dontfeartheringo wrote:Crap.Materials and hammering, lathing, thickness from bell to shoulder and shoulder to edge: these all affect the dominant frequencies of a cymbal. My thin Turkish crash is the darkest, trashiest sounding crash I have ever heard.Your friend, he's probably also convinced that bigger drums are always deeper pitched, I'm guessing.Thanks. My mate is a decent drummer but also a bit of a bell end, which is why I took his 'rule of thumb' with a grain of salt.