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Re: Which of these California PUNK bands sucks the most?

Posted: Fri Jun 23, 2023 2:05 am
by Ace K
Social Distortion - Very beige for me. Nothing that leaps out as obviously obnoxious. Feels profoundly OC to me. Maybe I'm too much of an LA boy to get it.

NOFX - Not a good band, but they made The Decline which is genuinely, shockingly good. Like, they suddenly decided to put some effort in and made this one massive anthem, and they just did it once? What's going on there? Anyhow that makes up for a lot of defects.

The Offspring - Contra The Decline, "Pretty Fly For A White Guy" erases any goodwill that some of their other singles might have earned. Weird that the singer is a microbiology PhD.

Greenday - Can genuinely write. Some clean pop bangers in the tank. "Good Riddance" is actually a good song, we have to come to terms with that.

Rancid - Not good, but better than the Offspring. Reminds me of my first girlfriend. "Ruby Soho" whips, "Time Bomb" was a good time on the radio. Armstrong started dating Brody Dalle (of the far superior Distillers) when he was 30 and she was 16 which is fucked up pervert shit. What the fuck

Offspring come out at the bottom here.

Re: Which of these California PUNK bands sucks the most?

Posted: Fri Jun 23, 2023 5:21 pm
by Jimbo
I like Social Distortion just fine and don't quite get the hate for them. I only ever listened to one album by them, so maybe there's some pure turd music in the catalog, I don't know.

NOFX, I don't like them and can't get into them, and I hearing them is generally grating but can be ignored. Not as bad as Blink 182.

Offspring had a couple ok songs early on, then decided to play silly joke songs that aren't funny once they got popular.

Green Day has some decent pop tracks that I can actually enjoy now that the 90s are over and they aren't being played over and over and over.

Rancid had some good songs on that first album and will always have some goodwill from me due to Operation Ivy, who were a pretty foundational band for me in my teen years.

NOFX would be the worst on here if it weren't for Offspring. They really suck.

Re: Which of these California PUNK bands sucks the most?

Posted: Fri Jun 23, 2023 5:41 pm
by Mickey242
All of the above.

Re: Which of these California PUNK bands sucks the most?

Posted: Fri Jun 23, 2023 5:46 pm
by twelvepoint ... l-reissue/

Any fan of The Offspring knows that we enjoy cussing on occasion, because sometimes there's just no substitute for a properly placed curse word. So you must understand how we were completely fucking horrified to find out that the 15th anniversary re-issue vinyl release of 'Rise and Fall, Rage and Grace' had the 'clean' versions of 'You're Gonna Go Far, Kid,' 'Nothingtown' and 'Stuff Is Messed Up' on it. We have no idea how this shit happened, we didn't even know there was a clean version! We and Roundhill are working to fix this bullshit ASAP. We will let you all know how and when this will be remedied but rest assured, goddamnit., that it will be fuckin' fixed! Thank you all for your patience, and please accept our deepest fucking apologies.

Re: Which of these California PUNK bands sucks the most?

Posted: Fri Jun 23, 2023 10:33 pm
by jfv
twelvepoint wrote: Fri Jun 23, 2023 5:46 pm ... l-reissue/

Any fan of The Offspring knows that we enjoy cussing on occasion, because sometimes there's just no substitute for a properly placed curse word. So you must understand how we were completely fucking horrified to find out that the 15th anniversary re-issue vinyl release of 'Rise and Fall, Rage and Grace' had the 'clean' versions of 'You're Gonna Go Far, Kid,' 'Nothingtown' and 'Stuff Is Messed Up' on it. We have no idea how this shit happened, we didn't even know there was a clean version! We and Roundhill are working to fix this bullshit ASAP. We will let you all know how and when this will be remedied but rest assured, goddamnit., that it will be fuckin' fixed! Thank you all for your patience, and please accept our deepest fucking apologies.
How does this happen??

I mean.. I know HOW it could have happened, but…

Imagine being in a band and you’re not in the loop on the final quality checks before a product of yours like this is released. Super sucky.

…or in fact being in the loop and blowing off listening to it before it was released.

Re: Which of these California PUNK bands sucks the most?

Posted: Sat Jun 24, 2023 3:53 am
by twelvepoint
Yeah, I’m just in awe at how this could have happened. I realize “punk” is a fluid term, but being this divorced and hands off from your band’s number one core mission is such an un-punk, pathetic, handled-and-managed Spinal Tap esque gaffe, I’m at a loss for words.

Re: Which of these California PUNK bands sucks the most?

Posted: Mon Jul 17, 2023 8:58 am
by The Classical
Recently I was in a situation where Fat Mike was taking an absolutely brutal hangover dump in the same restroom as me. Like holding on the handicap bars bad. And that isn't as awful as the time I saw Social Distortion live.

Re: Which of these California PUNK bands sucks the most?

Posted: Thu Jul 27, 2023 11:43 pm
by Krev
I'll credit Mike Ness with me figuring out how to make an old Bassman sound good: the Boss SD-1. Unfortunately, that also came at ear-bleed volume.

Re: Which of these California PUNK bands sucks the most?

Posted: Sun Jul 30, 2023 5:27 pm
by TylerDeadPine
The Classical wrote: Mon Jul 17, 2023 8:58 am Recently I was in a situation where Fat Mike was taking an absolutely brutal hangover dump in the same restroom as me. Like holding on the handicap bars bad. And that isn't as awful as the time I saw Social Distortion live.
Best thing Fat Mike has put out?

Re: Which of these California PUNK bands sucks the most?

Posted: Sun Jul 30, 2023 6:34 pm
by jakethesnake
Sorry but I'm drunk and playing "mommys little monster" for the first time in years (decades? I don't think Ive played it since the 90s) and shit rules! Again, regardless of the later greaser/white trash transgressions, does this band REALLY deserve to be put in the same category as those other lames??? I don't hear it, I don't get it and I never will... oh well...