friend of shellac, eh?

Redline wrote:
I disagree. Gifts should not be sold or given away. That's what my moms taught me, anyway.


I disagree with your mom. My mom, who is a complete fucking purple-skirted hippy, says if you get an unwanted gift, you should give it or sell it away as soon as poss to charity or someone who wants it.
If you have it sitting there it takes up space in your life, and every possession you have drags down your energy. You should only have things in your life that inspire you; and someone else might find a use or inspiration from it. Thus karma is restored (or something).
Slightly more detailed advice like this led me to gradually get rid of about a third of my possessions (records never listened to, clothes, broken things, adolescent tokens, hipster crap, unused music gear, computer games, kitchen stuff, garden stuff, tons of general detritus etc.) over the last year, and I have never felt better or missed any of it.

She (if it is this woman) doesn't want the album anymore. Looks like a lot of other people do. The original giver doesn't mind. Where's the problem?
If you give gifts, they should be given completely freely or not at all.

friend of shellac, eh?

johnnyshape wrote:She (if it is this woman) doesn't want the album anymore. Looks like a lot of other people do. The original giver doesn't mind. Where's the problem?
If you give gifts, they should be given completely freely or not at all.

And I think that, my friends, is the bottom line.

I want to get rid of a lot of my junk. It's all bogging me down anyway.

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