band : Technician

Total votes: 6 (13%)
Not Crap
Total votes: 14 (31%)
This Band Creeps Me Out
Total votes: 13 (29%)
Total votes: 12 (27%)
Total votes: 45

band : Technician

I won't vote because there isn't a "This Band Creeps Me Out" option. Not exactly "Crap," but not "Not Crap," either.

I would probably like these guys if I had never heard Shellac before. There are so many aspects of this band, both musically and aesthetically, that are "borrowed" from Shellac as to be distracting.


band : Technician

Christopher wrote:I won't vote because there isn't a "This Band Creeps Me Out" option.

"This Band Creeps Me Out" is now a voting option. See above.

I started listening to Technician only a few months ago. But the Shellac mimicry was immediately apparent and really weird. It actually makes me a little uncomfortable and embarrassed for the band.

Plus, this kind of band must inherently lean on the precision of its drummer. Unfortunately, that precision (and any meaningful power) is really lacking, and the music really suffers. (They're called Technician, after all, so I don't think that I am being unfair.)

Also, this line has really hung around in my brain for awhile. It's really bad:
"I'll make you sick like you make me sick." (from "The Moment We've All Been Waiting For")

The band's website publicity photo is also, um, not so good:

I literally said to myself "Wtf?" when I saw it.

All this being said, something tells me that they are very nice young folks whom I would quite like in a social setting. The fact that that idea comes through in their Mynah bird music is nice enough.

I don't know why, but I really want to give this band the benefit of the doubt. If I'm missing the point, please let me know.
Last edited by Bradley R Weissenberger_Archive on Thu Sep 16, 2004 1:34 pm, edited 3 times in total.

band : Technician

Bradley R. Weissenberger wrote:"This Band Creeps Me Out" is now a voting option. See above.

Thank you. I have voted accordingly.

Bradley R. Weissenberger wrote:All this being said, something tells me that they are very nice young folks whom I would quite like in a social setting.

You are correct in assuming this. My band played with them a few years ago and they are very nice people. I very much liked people.

But this, this is too much: ... /?releases

Seeing them live doesn't help, either. It just gets worse. The guitarist uses a Harmonic Percolator, for fuck's sake. The drummer plays a stripped-down kit without a ride cymbal, for fuck's sake. The bass player sounds exactly like Bob, FOR FUCK'S SAKE.

Too much. I gotta go take a shower now.

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