Musician: Ty Segall Crap/Not Crap?

I've got the collab with White Fence and will pick up the new one today, I hope, but may not listen to either for a spell becuz I'm fearful he's do for a tumble. Both the Goner LPs, the Goner singles comp and the sessions on WFMU/Free Music Archive are really great. His band features the Moonhearts guy (whose stuff that I've heard is cool) and Mikal Cronin (whose alb is way overrated). They sound shit-hot all together. Don't know why I'm nervous about this year's crop. The team-up with White Fence (a cool, okay Tower Recordings fan-dude) has holy shit! potential, but also this stinks like shit potential. The Ty w/Band LP should be where it's at, but something about that last album on Drag City, which was just barely not crap, has me a little hesitant. Anyway, imo he'll need to crap out on this year's two plus a couple more in order to exit the NOT CRAP high ground. No waffles as yet.
alex maiolo wrote:When it comes to No Wave, I get all "big tent" and shit.

Musician: Ty Segall Crap/Not Crap?

windofpain wrote:might as be listening to the fucking stray cats, awful bullshit music.I guess so, if all you've heard is his rather shitty, earliest output, when he was barely out of his teens. He put out 3 records last year, and none of them sound remotely like the Stray Cats. An absolute monster on the guitar, he and his band put on a brutal show. Melted is great, Twins might be greater. Extremely humble and a nice guy, too.Absolutely positively NOT CRAP.

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