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Interesting Gear Developments Thread

kerble wrote:garthplinko wrote:Also, more interesting stuff from Gamechanger: tiers keep moving up though - probably final selling price will be over a grand and they were originally $749 or $799 I think. A bit niche for me, but still cool just f...

Simple Simple Recipes for FM NewDarkAge to Learn Cooking on

This recipe has maybe the biggest bang-buck ratio of easiness to wow-factor of any recipe I know.The DUTCH BABY!!!You need3 eggs1/2 cup flour1/2 cup milk1 tablespoon buttera blendera pan that can go from the stove to the over (cast-irons work well but are not needed)Other things can be added, but ba...

This is the thread for women

PEPPER! wrote:ERawk wrote:offal wrote:Women to get their own beer; will they want it? ... /83857942/Ya know, since this is a woman doing her thing and calling her brewery High Heels, I say more power. All I care about is that she is making good ass beer and may...

Guitar playing thread

I am currently in a band (not hifi) where I have to play conventional guitar, tuned standard. All of the songs were written before I joined the band and I am the side-man to someone who writes very conventional songs compared to every other band I have been in, I am WAY out of my comfort zone here.O...

Band: Brainiac Brainiac:

DrAwkward wrote:yaledelay wrote:Yes as a matter of fact: Ice Melts is on the the GB live tape here, recorded by a friend of mine (and other people on this board) you can clearly hear my girlfriend at the time say the boy is educated on the tape.

Band: Brainiac Brainiac:

rayword45 wrote:This band just never leaves my brain.Did anyone lucky enough to see them live near the end hear (and remember) any new unrecorded songs besides Give Me A Myth, Ice Melts Away or Forget Everything? Someone mentioned a song called Sugar Coma but that one didn't seem to survive time sad...

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